Social media top 7 focusing points

in #media8 years ago (edited)

Steemit's check list

Are there any factors to be considered for steemit success as a mainstream social media tool?Or is it just paying your authors enough to become mainstream?
I had 30 minutes in my disposal so I wanted to point out some key factors about social media.Always according my view for things.I might be wrong I might be right.You might agree you might not.Whatever the case is I would love to read your opinions too.

So here is my list :

  1. Set business goals for your social media:
    Setting up a plan with your goals as a kickstart social media platform there are a bunch of things to consider.Setting your goals should be made by analyzing both aspects of the spectrum of successful and failed projects that have emerged throughout the internet history.avoid failed practices and adopt successful ones seems only the logic thing to do. steemit checks this out

  2. Create a social media strategy.
    Make sure you have to offer something that none else does on the chart of your direct competitors and capitalize on that. steemit checks this out

  3. Active social involvement and reputation management.
    Introduce a build in system to your platform that manages reputation with a fair system that keeps both your platform and its users interested by making them wanna engaged/commit more into it. steemit checks this out

  4. Define content and engagement strategy.
    Don't reward non original or spam tactics vs honest authors that spend their time to create something new and creative.So just give your users the report/dislike option for a better self regulated community. steemit checks this out

  5. Define communications strategy.
    It can't get any more self explanatory than that.Keep your users briefed in about current situation and your future plans by being as honest and accurate as human possible.your users will appreciate that on the long run. steemit checks this out

  6. Deploy best practice approaches for the core social media platforms. Every social media app such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube has specific characteristics and audience not offend them by spam tactics to advertise your platform.Original content once again will get more attention. steemit checks this out

  7. Social media optimization. You might achieve everything on the above list and still fail.this would be most probably because you luck the tools to provide competing social networking to your users than your direct competition... steemit must check this out

Steemit is already a success on every top 6 categories,it just needs to get that 7th factor right to become mainstream and pop out of the rest of the social network platform.When that is achieved steemit will be a straight heads on competitor to facebook.

Hope you enjoyed it.
Best regards
Aggelos rossidis aka @skapaneas.

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