
I've been thinking I should get my feet wet first... but maybe I'm just rationalizing the fact that I'm nervous haha

Or maybe posting like screenshots/quoting a bunch of my older blogs when I had no idea what the hell I was talking about but for some reason was convinced I was solving the mysteries of the universe... it'll either be funny in a self-deprecating way or horrifically embarrassing. Stakes would be high.

It looks like there's a lot of interesting communities that I'm starting to look into. This post by @torico lays out a bunch of them.

I'm hoping I'll find some luck there.

Any suggestions for a minnow like me? Next steps I could take?

I guess "Try to find your audience rather than wait for audience to find you" is fitting anywhere on the internet. Everyone has a voice and suddenly, when there's money involved, it does get a lot more noisy.

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