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RE: Centres of Attention

in #media8 years ago (edited)

This post was resteemed by @krnel, one of my favourite writers on steemit as he not only writes good content but he clearly has a set of internal checks as to the validity of his content. You have a similar integrity. Thank you.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this ... slowly!
Your comments on the BBC are of particular interest to me as a keen observer of current events in the Middle East. Backtracking a moment, I was appalled when Tony Blur (intentional), abrogated responsibility for truth to Dubbya over Iraq. I am equally appalled today at the building of 'reliable' sources of news which serve the masters' interests. The White Helmets is a classic example. I note that the BBC still refers to the Syria Crisis as a 'Civil War'. There are terms for such reporting unfit for this response to your keen observations.
I would not be so obtuse as to smear the BBC as being incapable of being a Public Service as you correctly categorised news services. I would say though that the requirements of speed to publish and costs of proprietary sources have compromised the organisation's credibility.
The BBC reports to Parliament. The blatant needs of Parliament demand convenient alignment of Government thinking (propaganda). Such expedience also compromises 'Auntie' which is showing the signs of Americanisation - all production and paltry substance.
The proliferation of BBC outlets has, it seems, added to this political football: how does one manage an organisation which has literally multiplied about 30-fold the number of its outlets without a very real increase in budget?
Quality has been forsaken at the expense of volume.
Reading and watching the BBC is something I do regularly but, if there is a story I want to dig into, I will go elsewhere for cross-checks and better certainty. The best news commentaries are niche and are driven by passion for integrity.
Neither of those two could one attribute to the BBC.
I enjoyed your software programmer's very real account. It reminded me of another allegorical tale of the man who went to the doctor expecting to be cured of his ills. The doctor explained the situation and outlined the things which the patient had to change in his lifestyle. The patient was somewhat irked and said that he was used to being given a prescription and asked to come back in a few days. The doctor's response is a lesson: "I am giving you the best advice I can give you. If you are not prepared to studiously adhere to my recommendations, I do not want you as a patient."
We should all be prepared to stand on our principles, rather than bend to the dumbing down of responsibility!
Thank you again for a very enlightening and thought provoking post!
Voted and followed - I look forward to more!


Thank you for the kind words. Flattered to think I should have proven so engaging to you. As I said to my wife the other day. If nobody raises such issues then nobody raises such issues. Attempting in a small way for a better world.

I believe that these issues are raised in the spirit of self-righteousness rather than in any duty of care. It is pub chat, like conspiracy theories which I now refer to as an attempt to 'gentrify Gossip'. A fairly low pastime, akin to washer women bickering over the fence, as per Les Dawson, if you recall him, a genius of observation!

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