Bad mistakes in newspaper headlines

in #media2 years ago

I got pissed off when I was in college because after performing flawlessly as the chief editor of the college newspaper, never making a mistake that was ever discovered, I still couldn't get a job in the editing world even as an intern. Perhaps it was because my college wasn't high-profile enough or perhaps it is just because that industry was dying a slow death at the time.

It was a good thing in the end that I didn't land those jobs because I almost certainly wouldn't have a job today if I had been hired. One hobby i have is digging up headline and article mistakes that were made by people that did have these jobs and some of them are just so terrible that it is amazing to me that no one noticed.


I also enjoy irony, so when a story about a spelling be has a spelling error in the title, that really makes my day. I presume that this author and the editor of the paper were paid and some level of spell checking via software has existed for decades. To me this is inexcusable. It would have been at my job where I wasn't even paid anyway.


While this one technically doesn't have anything wrong with it grammatically or in any other way the fact that no one said "ummm, I think we should word that differently" is really funny to me. Obviously no one was cooking grandparents but that's what you think when you see this.


In many of the programs that are used for creation of newspapers or other forms of print media, the templates will contain nonsense text called placeholders just to give the user an idea about what the layout will look like once it contains the story. This is just extremely sloppy editing that suggests to me that the editor just didn't care. It doesn't take a very keen eye to notice this and it is unreal that this actually made it to print. I wish I had a hard copy of this because it's just amazing to me.


This one is even better because the previous one was just some puff piece on page 37. This is the friggin Front Page of the paper. I don't know much about this publication other than the fact that it still exists today, just not in print form. Even if the editor was asleep at the wheel it seems as though someone in the organization would have noticed this, but they didn't and thousands of these were put out to the public.

This used to be a lot more relevant to me than it is today but back in the day when I first started collecting images of this sort it was kind of infuriating to me because I had been passed over for employment in these positions or even given a chance to prove myself in the industry yet there were hundreds of incompetent people being paid in the industry.

I would later find out by a fellow journalism student who DID land a job that the industry is driven almost entirely by nepotism and the only reason he got a job was because his father was friends with an executive at a publication. I ended up doing just "whatever" jobs after failing to land a job in the field I wanted to be involved in and guess what. He is now doing "whatever" jobs now as well because that industry is dead.


These days I rarely see a newspaper for sale and if I do, no one is buying them. Nearly all regional or local newspapers went out of business a long time ago because they made money via advertisements for the most part. Who is going to advertise in something that nobody looks at?

I'm actually doing much better financially than he is so I guess what appeared to be a huge letdown initially ended up being a blessing in disguise.

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