Musing Review

in #media6 years ago

Hello there pretty people, hope you're having a great day today? I want to ask a question, any question really. It really doesn't have to be intellectual, perhaps it'll just be an emotional question or something about Jellyfish farts, I think they fart, don't they? That'll be fin to talk about. Steemit is an environment that accomodates the good, the weird and the funny. You can literally be anything you want to be on this platform, embrace a persona and be as "that guy-ish" as you would like. If I was being honest, to me and a lot of us, steemit really is our Muse and if you trudge down to Stateofthedapps, you would find that we've got a whole dapp that just loves to reward musings.

Musing - Ask Questions. Write Answers. Earn Cryptocurrency.

Musing is an easy-to-use, question and answer platform where you can earn cryptocurrency (monetary reward) for your engagement with the community! Upvotes are given based upon merit of the question or answer and as feedback from your followers. Starting out is as easy as establishing a Steemit account and signing in using SteemConnect. Upvotes from the Steem blockchain can be converted easily to traditional currency (ie USD). This is similar to the popular Quora platform, only you can get paid on this one!Sign up today, post a question, and learn about anything that interests you! There’s something for everyone! (Source)

Well I like to think everyone has been on Quora, it is this imaginary place on the internet space where people randomly go to post questions ranging from educational to downright weird but it's fun,but with Musing? you get to earn, relatively speaking, we could say it is a lot. Considering you'd earn zilch for being on Quorra.

How To Be A Muse

To Muse on Musing, all you need is a steemit account. This account grants you access to numerous cool platforms and Musing is one of them. If you don't have a steemit account, you can sign up for a free account and join the queue or get a paid account from a number of validated sources provided in the signup page, I suggest using

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Once you have created a steemit account and probably designed your profile to look how you want it(Profile photo, etc), the next step is to visit Musing Homepage here.

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The login process requires that you simply click on the login button at the top left of the screen. You would be redirected to a pop up portal, select "login with steem", click "continue, then input your details. Ensure you're being directed to steemconnect portal

Once you input your setails, you will be redirected to the homepage and you will notice your profile photo at the top right corner of the screen. Clicking on it will take you to your corner on the platform, where you can find the questions and answers you've ever dropped.

Asking a Question

The fun part of Musing is the actual Musing, you can post any sort of question and get responses from people. You ask questions, write answers and earn cryptocurrency. It is written clearly on the homepage. If you would like to ask a question, you simpy click on the "+" sign that is beside your display photo on the top left and portal opens. where you ask your question, include tags and describe your question if the need arises

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Answering A Question

To answer a question, you select the muse topic that interests you and follow it up by clicking on it. You will find other answers attached to the question. You can throw in your own 2 cents by answering the question. It is really that simple

Getting Rewarded

The Primary way of getting rewarded here is through upvotes. This is a steemit platform after all, users of musing have the opportunity to earn from the answers posted there. It is that simple.


The platform is designed to be very simple to use. At the left hand side of the screen, you can navigate through different tags, these tags are related to questions posted. The answers you drop put you in a position to earn reward. You can share questions and answers on other social media outlets(facebook and Twitter)

Notifications:You can see your Musing activities and that your followers/people you follow in the notification section


It kind of looks like a photocopy of Quorra.


This rating is based on what the platform was meant to achieve and it's seamless blend with steemit.

Image result for 4.5/5 rating

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63843.45
ETH 2624.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76