Pelmeni - Russian mini meat pies

in #meat3 years ago

3,5 glasses flour (+ a bit more for rolling)
5 eggs
2 teaspoons salt (for stuffing and dough)
Pepper to taste
1 kg meat (500g pork and 500g beef)
500g onions

  1. Take 3 glasses of flour and sift it into a deep bowl.
  2. Put the eggs into a cup and add some salt.
  3. Fill the rest of the cup with water and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with flour.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly as the dough should be homogeneous. Leave it for 15 minutes.
  6. Put the dough on the table, add some more flour (if necessary), then knead it for at least 7-10 minutes. Then wrap it in a plastic bag and put into the fridge.
  7. Rinse beef and pork. Dry and mince the meat. You can use minced meat.
  8. Peel onions, mince them or chop in a blender. Then add onions to the meat seasoning with some salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
  9. When stuffing is ready, you can start making pelmeni. Roll the dough into a sausage shape and cut it into pieces.
  10. Dust the worktop with some flour and roll each piece into a thin flat cake.
  11. Put one teaspoon of stuffing into the centre.Pinch edges firmly. Bring the corners together. Just look at that! Place the pelmeni on a flour-dusted surface.
  12. Cook pelmeni in boiling water adding some salt and bay leaves to taste.
  13. Enjoy!

🍷Bon appetit👍🍴🥄🔪🍽️

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