...Good Morning ...

in #meaningless7 years ago (edited)

morning all ... time to get to it and get something done for the day .... 1st thing on the list tea and procrastination .... have a good day everyone ..
Oh and just so it was not a total wast of time clicking on my post .....
A link to The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
Worldwide Voice of Radio Amateurs...

We don't need the telecoms and internet providers charging us billions to communicate ...
Its all free in the ham radio world ......Just saying ...

Ham Exam Canada https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/025.nsf/eng/h_00040.html

Ham Exam USA https://www.hamradiolicenseexam.com/which-exam.htm

You can find local clubs and members in your area anywhere in the world almost ..and they are willing and happy to help you get started .... join in on the fun ....

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