Hey There! Time I Gave An Introducion

in #me7 years ago (edited)

Hello people of steem, I'm Primelink but you can just call me Prime. I'm currently 19 years old and going to college. No job as of right now, but I'm working on it. Please send good luck my way ;). I first heard of steem through my parents. They are huge into Bitcoin and all the other crypto currencies so naturally they were excited to hear about this platform. They pretty much pushed me into it saying it's the "New Youtube" and such. I had my doubts and was very skeptical about it but nevertheless I decided to sign up and give it a go.

The first thing I noticed was this was nothing like a New Youtube. The platform was completely different and the way Steem promotes things is based completely off of what you want to see. It's also not a video website, albeit you can post videos if you would like to. This place is for people who want to write about things that they are genuinely interested in. You can see it as you look around scrolling through the Hot and Trending section. Only the people who are passionate about things they love will succeed.

I am a HUGE Kingdom Hearts Fan. I fell in love with the series at the age of 9. It has all the magic of Disney and combines it with the seriousness of Final Fantasy. The game series is a huge life lesson to anyone and is full of beautiful moments. However the thing that touched me the most was the main character Sora. Sora is what you would call an insanely good person. He goes out of his way to help anyone and anything, including complete strangers and sometimes his own enemies. I had never seen such a genuine caring person as a child, and everything he did felt so right to me. At that point he became my Idol.

Fast forward ten years and here I am. My friends call me the nicest person they know, and sometimes they get mad at me for forgiving people too much. They say I need to toughen up and learn to hold a grudge. I usually laugh it off, they don't understand what I believe in haha. However even through all their kind words and worries, I still believe i can become an even better person. I know that i cant ever fully be like Sora in the real world, it's just not realistic. I am still going to try my best though and never give up.

My goal now and ever since i was a child is to spread kindness and love in peoples lives. I don't mind if its a stranger or my best friend, helping people just feels so right. My friends always say that even though I'm spending so much time helping them they might not return it. That doesn't matter to me. If i can make them smile for even one second then the time was worth it. Who knows, maybe by being kind I can inspire them to be the best version of themselves too.

Thank you for reading my post and sorry for the length. My thoughts are something that I can't control. Please have a wonderful day!


Wow, I didn't know you could do that! Thank you so much!

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