My Second Paranormal Contest Entry - Casing

in #me2 months ago (edited)

This is .22 caliber long casing which I found on my property with butt of casing facing west.

Do you know what psychometry is?

It's where someone picks up something in crime and knows who did it, why they did it, who ordered it, who paid for it, and all miscellaneous data.

In this case, it was done for intimidation.

It's a lot like dropping out of the sky holding a hammer after circling the Earth a few times to pick up speed. Or having your dragon frost a bunch of evil light towers of drought and then having someone smack those.

So, I know it all. Like who caused me to lose this or that over the years but that's not what I want to talk about:

Instead, I want to address a completely obtuse and off the wall thing.

I have my own dragon, another one. What kind of dragon is it? Don't know. It's about two and a half inches long.

Why don't you use the metric system? I have real measurement thing since my last name is Kubitz. It's the German spelling, you guessed it. It runs from the elbow to the finger, middle. I really like that one. Fingers hands, feet. It's personal.

For example, How long should a staff be? Six Kubitz and a hand breadth. Capiche?


Oh well.

So, will Solange take care of the new dragon. Can't. Frosty is getting to be pretty good sized. Have to keep them separate. So, it's a conundrum. Hopefully we can have a chamber added to the dragon cave.

Dragon are tough to raise. They are physical beings but largely invisible. There's good dragons like Frosty. I hope this new dragon is good.

Probably not a Frost dragon.

Along with psychometry, there is the future, another element of the paranormal. If a vision of the future occurs, a correct only comes from one person, the only one who knows the future.

Oh, that's right. I said, and I spotted near immediately, was I would write what President Joseph Biden did that was good after he was gone from the Presidency and I would be excoriated by it by both Democrats and Republicans.

Now we all know there's a bunch of candy asses called the Deep State who want to dictate and send people like me into the gates of hell and fun things which the outcome most likely death. They probably the assassination attempt on Trump, et cetera.

They want the person who is authorized to actually hold the job by vote to be terrified, drugged if necessary, blah, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, there are that have a different of things, like where's the unelected overlords sense of adventure? There's deadly phenomenon out there, aren't you curious to find out what that is really like? Think of the challenge of ever coming out?
Can you do it too?

I promise to help the Deep State people experience things just like that once I am full time. I'll see to it personally.

So the price hasn't jumped yet?


Still burning steem?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Author unknown.

Reap what is sown
Though it be toil and groan
Or God will simply ignore thee
Does He hear prayers
Is He even there
All mortal ask this question
There's Hitler I once wrote
Did he repent upon
His deathbed
There in a bunker
Surrounded by thunkers
Did on knees suddenly say
"Oh God I screwed up"
I am about to pass away?

I read how some people want totalitarianism and I say the only people who want it are those in charge.

I am asked about women's rights and I have a responding question? Marx requires work for socialism to work but the whole world is moving towards automation.

So, what's left to do?

It's a question I ask you.

Now I usually never reread what I write because this real small space and I am an old man. I can't see small things.

Like zits, pimples, acne, rashes of the same but my can,


Which happens when I decide to reread and edit something with mistakes in it.

Oh well that's love.

The news media keeps writing that, "President Trump is the first felon/criminal to elected to office in the United States of America."

Really, even after the war of 1812, every single person in whole country including every elected person, including whatever bureaucracy at all levels were all criminals, felons, murderers, tax cheats, every last thing in book of law, traitors, deserters, pirates, trespassers, guilty of religious crimes, land thieves, and yes that includes the first president."

Well freedom and liberty had to start somewhere and somehow. So except for...there you have it.

So why all the lies? Power?

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