Good Morning, Sunday Steemers

in #melast month

Doubts About God, His Reign

Is it normal to have doubts, wonder about God? Does following what he says to do result in success? Perhaps, many people lose faith because they do not test like Gideon did. I want to change this title because I don't like it. It's not exactly what I want to say but...

Unlike most persons, I meet in heaven with Him/The Trinity every day. On many a time, I ended up in outposts that were definitely not heaven where all was a fake copy, even the persons. The first time it was a shock.

Every time it happens it is a shock and painful. I have to be healed of these meetings and there is no warning. Usually I am there by sword travel. As, my sword takes me there when asked. And the sword is compromised of portions of the spirits of the Holy Trinity. So I am sent.

I have duties I do everyday. I must perform them. They are rote acts. Like walking the perimeter on guard duty.

And because I am a scientist, I question.

One reads the news, for example, President Donald Trump.

How did he get into this mess? How real is it?

Why is the economy supposedly so great in the news and I know better. Am I right? Is the economy truly way off the mark?

So, for one day after careful thought, I designed an experiment and excited that experiment by a change in one of my duties. If what I did as my duties mattered, there would be a change. If not, there would be no change of that which I chose to observe. It was something of measurable quantity.

A double blind experiment which no one would or could know about except me. Again, I performed a change in my duty.

The first thing that happened when I showed up in the greeting center was God, asked me, Why I did what I did.

I told Him, I verified whether or not what we were doing, what I was ordered to do worked.


I used my own property.
It worked and therefore what I observed in the news is fake, fallacious in this instance.

I wish you had not done that. But since you did and there was a response that proved the duty was efficacious caused you desired effect.

Good. I promote you to level 6.

Thank you Father(s), Mother; Now I intend to return and restore back to the original duties.

Good excellent. I do not want you to write what you did. Numerous times you have tested tactics, weapons, efficiency, sometimes to the point of near death or personal oblivion but your results are greatly appreciated and have required change by us to meet the threats. Good but I do want you to write about me that I do not anger when I am the "straight man" in jokes. I know what is coming. I step into the joke for the fun.

Yes Father.

The Evil Light Towers of Drought - Reappeared Last Night

As I yelled out across the valley, A bunch two-bit American Whores, a couple of times.

My voice did not carry like it sometimes does echoing across the mountains of the valley. So it's obvious my observation was unauthorized:

"We're stopping this destroying storm," They thought and "It is good."

Uh actually, Jesus came and picked up the rod of rain Himself. What you do requires voiders to do and so the voiders are caught every time. Since no voiders were caught in some time now, because they are dead or placed upon a resettlement planet, where they have things similar arrows and spears...

Yep, when braindead and walking, talking -
The creation of the model space for the six objects of the MarbleMaze Example Game DirectX 12 and attaching it to the world matrix worked swell.

Sadly, because I made a Marble sdk mesh file, even though I could use what I have so far, I shall succeed in making a DirectX 12 sdkmesh file of the maze as well. Famous last words.

Using Matt Filer's THiCC Engine Editor Tool which uses mesh convert by Chuck Walbourn. I took a full 24 hour day to make the marble.sdkmesh file.

If you zoom in, you can see the Render() function code.
The maze top left corner actually starts in the game at DirectX::XMMATRIX m_world * DirectX::SimpleMath:: Matrix::CreateTranslation(-40.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);
I moved the translation to -500.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f.

That was because of the creation of the model SimpleMath::Matrix (parts) which were added to the m_world XMMATRIX.


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