in #mdmindia6 years ago

IMG_20180803_111656.pngIMG_20180803_111740.pngMid Day Meal Scheme is the Government of India's school meal program which is designed to improve the nutritional status of school-age children across the country. ... serving 1,20,000,000 children in more than 1,265,000 schools and education guarantee scheme centers, this is the world's largest programIMG_20180802_151330.jpgIMG_20180802_151359.jpg
Government of India launched Mid Day Meal Scheme The National Program for Nutrition Support for Primary Education (NP-NSPE) on 15th August, 1995, in the form of Centrally Sponsored Scheme, for the purpose of increasing enrollment of children in schools, retention and increasing presence, to improve nutritional levels among children. Was started in According to the expansion of the program, after some modifications, the government has prepared a set of rules and guidelines for implementation. These include various aspects related to child health and the amount of calorie and protein required for children of specific age groups, the amount of grain allocated to each child, and much more.IMG_20180802_151345.jpgIMG_20180802_151359.jpgIMG_20180802_151337.jpg

The objectives of Mid Day Meal Scheme are:

Improve the nutritional status of children in government, local bodies and government aided schools, and classes I-V in EGS and AIE centers.

Encouraging children belonging to the disadvantaged sections, regularly participating in school and focusing on classroom activities.

Providing nutritional support to the children of primary stage in dry-affected areas during summer holidays.


Very good and helping program good news bro.

sad part is when the teachers start cheating the scheme and use for their own profit.

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