"My Crush, My Cross Contest Entry"

in #mcmc6 years ago

Pablo meet Felicia at the Sate bar and they became friends. Pablo felt something more for Felicia but he always froze up due to fear of rejection whenever he wanted to express that feeling.

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Pablo was Shocked to his bones when Felicia visited him after 5 months of their friendship to tell him that she was getting married to her ex-boyfriend. This news affected him badly; he could not concentrate on his job or anything at all. All he wanted to do was drink and drink and drink again.


Source: https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=ms-android-tecno&biw=360&bih=337&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8ljMWu7iI4yHgAaph7OwDg&q=image+of+a+drunk+guy+in+a+bar&oq=image+of+a+drunk+guy+in+a+bar&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..0.161146.175663..176533...0....1469.10113.5-7j4j2..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67j0i30.h4Etr5SydYo%3D#imgrc=bv5VQ9_ZVnCzFM:

My entry into @fabianmani contest.


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