Terry McAuliffe should be in prison for involuntary manslaughter.

in #mcauliffe3 years ago


Former Democrat Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe is again in the running to again be elected governor of Virginia. The whole state has been a Democrat fiefdom for generations so this should have been a slam dunk. But there’s actually a hot contention going on.

Paul A. Nuttall editorializes for RT:

The race for the governorship of the Old Dominion state was supposed to be a shoo-in for the Democrats, but it’s now neck-and-neck, with some predicting a Republican victory which would have huge ramifications for Joe Biden.

Virginia’s six million voters will go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new governor. This local election has taken on national importance, however, as it is seen as the first real test of President Joe Biden and his administration’s agenda. In normal times, this election should have been a comfortable victory for the Democrats...


Terry McAuliffe, why is that name familiar? Oh! I know! Terry McAuliffe was governor of Virginia in 2017, the year of the Charlottesville riot. Then Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe was the long-time Clinton family loyalist and bag man and fixer who, with the help of the Charlottesville mayor and chief of police made sure the Charlottesville police were so misdirected that one young woman was killed in the riot that simple, standard police procedure should have easily prevented. To me, that means Terry McAuliffe should be in prison right now for Involuntary Manslaughter for setting up the conditions that led directly to that young woman’s death.

What an annoying old man I am with my annoying tendency to have a memory. To recap: in August 2017 a demonstration against removing the statue of Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville’s Lee Park was planned by local people who applied for and got legal authorization from the mayor's office. On the day of the demonstration the authorized demonstrators trying to defend the statue and keep the name “Lee Park” found themselves surrounded by an ugly mob of counter demonstrators sporting Antifa and BLM flags and armed with ball bats and shields with Antifa logos and slogans.

Just as the anger was heating up the police declared the legally authorized demonstration illegal and drove the Lee Park demonstrators out of the park and directly into the mob of hostile and violent counter demonstrators. Lots of YouTube worthy violence ensued and one fatality occurred. Then-President Donald Trump condemned the violence but he enraged the “mainstream media”, then enflamed by hatred of President Trump, by saying only the plain fact that there had been violence on both sides. And what was worse he even said that among the Lee Park, pro-statue demonstrators there had been “good people”.

The hysterical media reaction to the president simply saying the truth, that there was violence on both sides, certainly deepened my suspicion of some sort of set-up. It's as if the media were desperate for the president reinforce the anti-"white nationalist” – and blameless leftist demonstrators – narrative and he didn't play ball.

The Washington Post and its sister houses of presstitution screamed to the sky that the riot was all Trump’s fault. There was the implication that Trump himself secretly organized the violence by being in cahoots with “White Supremacists”.

But as I learned more detailed facts about that day I came to see that there was a much more hands-on orchestration of the mayhem and that hand had to have been Governor Terry McAuliffe. Who’s the boss of the Charlottesville police? The Chief of Police who owes his job to the mayor who owes his career to the Governor’s help and money. So, come ON! Who really looks likeliest to be the man behind this very organized crime?

The police did not position themselves around Lee Park in the first place; surely that would have been standard procedure for an event long anticipated to be at least controversial if not troublesome. If they had done that simple step anybody who wanted to get violent would have had to battle the cops. Instead the police were blocks away, unable to separate the factions; obviously they must have been ordered to position themselves that way. Who has the authority to give that order?

And the police did not cordon off the area or reroute car traffic to stop cars from driving through crowds of demonstrators. That led directly to the death of that poor woman; she was killed by a car that rammed into two other cars that had already been immobilized by the crowd. Why were any of those cars permitted to drive into that crowd at all? I'm sure nobody anticipated the car ramming but letting cars drive into that melee was bound to add to the chaos. And who could not have anticipated many newsworthy brawls when police were blocks away and demonstrators were not separated? Were conditions set up to permit the violence so that the media could crow about violent white supremacists? What other scenario makes any sense?

It’s as obvious as it could be that Terry McAuliffe ordered the mayor to order the chief of police to make sure cops would not do their job so that Trump could be branded as a racist, white supremacist agitator. Now Terry is back, free of all the smell of arranged mayhem and death, as the front man for the Virginia Democrat Machine.

Since obviously Terry McAuliffe will never stand as a defendant in a real court we’ll have to hope the court of public opinion will punish him politically at least. And it could happen.

Being the old-time Clintonian Democrat fixer he still is makes him a front man for the deeply unpopular revolutionary gender and racial politics of Joe Biden. And that makes Terry a supporter of the depraved indifference to the vicious rape of a student displayed by the Loudoun County School Board. A supposedly “gender fluid” high school boy was allowed to hang around in the girls’ washroom scoping out his target before anally and orally raping a female student. The boy was transferred to another school and while being under investigation for rape (he’s now been found guilty) raped another girl. Parents all over Virginia and all over the USA are boiling with rage over this and other similarly depraved and degenerate school policies.

So, bad optics, Terry. How are we going to spin this? I know! It’s all Trump’s fault! He’s a racist, not the Loudoun County School Board. And he’s a sexist who hates women and wants to rape them. The Loudoun County School Board is progressive and for equity and social justice and all that good stuff. Parents should not be involved in school bathroom policies or teacher’s curricula. Yeah, that’ll win this election for sure.

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