Proof McCain involved in Russia/Trump HOAX and hiding MIA info!

in #mcain7 years ago (edited)

Hudson Report has just named the 1st Congressman involved in the Russia scandal and no surprise who it is. Our old friend John Mc Cain. Evidence shows that McCain brokered the deal with Comey to pay UK spy Steele $100,000 to create the fake dossier which began the whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative/investigation. But what's even worse is the information Hudson exposes about McCain's roll in covering up information on over 500 Vietnam MIAs! Blocking families' ability to access records which could have possibly helped save them! Turns out McCain may not be the war hero he's been made out to be.

Let's watch now as msm either totally ignores this story or downplays it to help McCain hide the facts that show McCain to be the establishment bastard that we know he is.


I hope that traitor gets what's coming to him along with all the shadow government puppets behind the scenes.

This video made me really mad but at the same time how do we know what Hudson says is true? I mean, I believe them because I've not ever seen them say something they canxt prove with evidence. He surely does seem to know what he's talking about but it'd be nice to see how/where he gets the info.

With anything like that you take what they say and then do some more research on it.

Well I know they have something evidence based. They delivered notices to each and every member that they said they were going to expose giving them a chance to address it with them first (they video taped the deliveries). I think those who did not respond are going to have their dirt aired. If McCain did do all of this (which I've seen other reputable sites colaborating that he did) then he should repent and admit it. He's got brain cancer so he needs to come clean before the end comes.

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