The Marie Kondo Method- Sucks

in #maximalist5 years ago

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you already know I’m definitely not a minimalist. I’m a collector of sorts, a human magpie and I love to surround myself with things that make me happy and catch my eye.
From makeup, to skincare, vintage items and antique furnishings if I like it and can afford it it’s mine! And I make room for it all the while keeping it all clean, tidy and organized.
In the Marie Kondo show there’s so much fuss about downsizing and being all silly saying goodbye and thank you to the things that don’t “spark joy”. Whenever I don’t like something you won’t catch me whispering its little tiny imaginary ear thank you and goodbye but I’ll be passing it on, donating it or tossing it in the trash. And that’s what everyone should do not make a little crazy ritual out of it.

I also noticed that a lot of the people on the show are just plain dirty. It’s all about being organized and clean~that’s it. Fold your laundry, get a bookcase for your books, clothes go in dressers and closets neatly, put your things away after you use them. Sure, there are many great tips on organization in her show and in her book as well but a lot of the stuff you see going on in peoples homes is just ridiculous. Pick up your junk. Tell your significant other and children to please get off the couch and help. Organize and display your treasures nicely.

I find it is very important to surround yourself with things you like. It’s a fad right now to minimalize and dispose of things, even those with a memory attached, but there is nothing wrong with being a maximalist if that’s what makes you happy! Find your joy, no matter how many knick knacks it takes to get you there!

Upvotes, resteems & Donations are loved! Merci 💕




I'm not a minimalist either. But regardless, we do have something in common with minimalists: we don't want to be wasteful. It's valuable to be productive and responsible with what we have, regardless of how much or how little.

Oh that is totally true! That is very important!

I come from a family of pack rats. I learned very early on how to organize within chaos and would at times as a child remove all items from my room to the outside and then would organize as I put it all back in. This all taught me spatial awareness which is how I can,try damned hard at least, to keep our house remotely clean with 3 and 6 year old boys.

Possessions are great but many let them take over and can't see when they have gone overboard. There are pretty distinct lines that one can cross over into the "Crazy ______ Collector" or "Hoarder" realm.

Makes me think of George Carlin's bit about Stuff.

Love George Carlin!!! Omg thank you for sharing that!
Oh I totally agree with you there is definitely a big difference between those two.

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