مولوی - مثنوی معنوی - دفتر دوم - بخش ۸ | Rumi - Spiritual Couplets - Book 2 - Part 8

in #maulana7 years ago

How the people of the caravan supposed the Súfí's beast was ill.

When at last (the meditation of) that circle of Súfís who were seeking (spiritual) profit came to an end (culminated) in ecstasy and enthusiasm,

They brought dishes of food for the guest, and he then bethought him of his beast.

205-He said to the famulus (the servant of the Súfís), “Go into the stable and make the straw and barley all right for the animal.”

“Good gracious!” he replied, “why this saying overmuch? These things have been my care since long ago.”

The Súfí said, “First wet his barley, for ’tis an old ass, and his teeth are shaky.”

“Good gracious!” said he, “why are you telling (me) this, Sir? They are taught by me (to make) these arrangements.”

The Súfí said, “First of all take off his saddle and (then) put the salve of manbal on his sore back.”

210-“Good gracious!” exclaimed the servant. “Why, O purveyor of wisdom, I have had a thousand guests of your sort,

And all have departed from us well-pleased: the guest is (dear to us as) our life and our kinsman.”

The Súfí said, “Give him water, but (let it be) lukewarm.” “Good gracious!” cried the other, “I am ashamed of you.”

The Súfí said, “Put (only) a little straw in his barley.” “Good gracious! Cut short this speech,” he replied.

The Súfí said, “Sweep his place (clear) of stones and dung, and if it is wet, sprinkle dry earth on it.”

215-“Good gracious!” cried he, “implore God's grace, O father and say little (give few instructions) to a messenger who knows his business.”

The Súfí said, “Take the comb and curry the ass's back.” “Good gracious! do have some shame, O father,” said he.

The servant said this and briskly girded up his loins. “I go,” said he; “first I will fetch the straw and barley.”

Off he went and never thought of the stable at all: he gave that Súfí (a pretence like) the sleep of the hare.

The servant went off to (join) some rascals and made a mockery of the Súfí's admonition.

220-The Súfí was fatigued by his journey and stretched his limbs (lay down to sleep): with his eyes closed he was dreaming

That his ass was left (helpless) in the clutch of a wolf, (which) was tearing pieces (of flesh) from its back and thighs.

“Good gracious!” he exclaimed, “what sort of melancholy (madness) is this? Oh, where is that kindly servant?”

Again he would see his ass going along the road and falling now into a well and now into a ditch.

He was dreaming various unpleasant dreams; he was reciting the Fátiha and the Qári‘a.

225-He said (to himself), “What can be done to help? My friends have hurried out: they have departed and made all the doors fast.”

Again he would say, “Oh, I wonder—that wretched servant! Did not he partake of bread and salt with us?

I showed him nothing but courtesy and mildness: why should he on the contrary show hatred towards me?

Every enmity must rest on some cause; otherwise, our common humanity would dictate faithfulness (in friendship).”

Then he would say again, “When had Adam, the kind and generous, done an injury to Iblís?

230-What was done by man to snake and scorpion that they wish (to inflict) death and pain upon him?

To rend is the instinct of the wolf: after all, this envy is conspicuous in mankind.”

Again he would say, “It is wrong thus to think evil: why have I such thoughts against my brother?”

Then he would say, “Prudence consists in your thinking evil: how shall he that thinks no evil remain unhurt?”

The Súfí was in (this) anxiety, and (meanwhile) the ass was in such a plight that—may it befall our enemies!

235-That poor ass was amidst earth and stones, with his saddle crooked and his halter torn,

Killed (exhausted) by the journey, without fodder all the night long, now at the last gasp and now perishing.

All night the ass was repeating, “O God, I give up the barley; (but am I to have) less than one handful of straw?”

With mute eloquence he was saying, “O Shaykhs, (have) some pity, for I am consumed (with anguish) because of this raw impudent rogue.”

What that ass suffered of pain and torment, the land-bird suffers (the same) in a flood of water.

240-Then (all) that night till dawn the wretched ass, from exceeding hunger, rolled on his side.

Day rose. The servant came at morn and quickly looked for the saddle and laid it on the ass's back.

After the fashion of ass-dealers he gave him two or three blows (with a goad): he did to the ass what is befitting from such a cur (as he was).

The sharpness of the sting set the ass jumping; where is the tongue (has an ass such a tongue) that he may describe his own state (feelings)?


التزام کردن خادم تعهد بهیمه را و تخلف نمودن

حلقهٔ آن صوفیان مستفید
چونک در وجد و طرب آخر رسید

خوان بیاوردند بهر میهمان
از بهیمه یاد آورد آن زمان

گفت خادم را که در آخر برو
راست کن بهر بهیمه کاه و جو

گفت لا حول این چه افزون گفتنست
از قدیم این کارها کار منست

گفت تر کن آن جوش را از نخست
کان خر پیرست و دندانهاش سست

گفت لا حول این چه می‌گویی مها
از من آموزند این ترتیبها

گفت پالانش فرو نه پیش پیش
داروی منبل بنه بر پشت ریش

گفت لا حول آخر ای حکمت‌گزار
جنس تو مهمانم آمد صد هزار

جمله راضی رفته‌اند از پیش ما
هست مهمان جان ما و خویش ما

گفت آبش ده ولیکن شیر گرم
گفت لا حول از توم بگرفت شرم

گفت اندر جو تو کمتر کاه‌کن
گفت لا حول این سخن کوتاه کن

گفت جایش را بروب از سنگ و پشک
ور بود تر ریز بر وی خاک خشک

گفت لا حول ای پدر لا حول کن
با رسول اهل کمتر گو سخن

گفت بستان شانه پشت خر بخار
گفت لا حول ای پدر شرمی بدار

خادم این گفت و میان را بست چست
گفت رفتم کاه و جو آرم نخست

رفت و از آخر نکرد او هیچ یاد
خواب خرگوشی بدان صوفی بداد

رفت خادم جانب اوباش چند
کرد بر اندرز صوفی ریش‌خند

صوفی از ره مانده بود و شد دراز
خوابها می‌دید با چشم فراز

کان خرش در چنگ گرگی مانده بود
پاره‌ها از پشت و رانش می‌ربود

گفت لا حول این چه مالیخولیاست
ای عجب آن خادم مشفق کجاست

باز می‌دید آن خرش در راه‌رو
گه به چاهی می‌فتاد و گه بگو

گونه‌گون می‌دید ناخوش واقعه
فاتحه می‌خواند او والقارعه

گفت چاره چیست یاران جسته‌اند
رفته‌اند و جمله درها بسته‌اند

باز می‌گفت ای عجب آن خادمک
نه که با ما گشت هم‌نان و نمک

من نکردم با وی الا لطف و لین
او چرا با من کند برعکس کین

هر عداوت را سبب باید سند
ورنه جنسیت وفا تلقین کند

باز می‌گفت آدم با لطف و جود
کی بر آن ابلیس جوری کرده بود

آدمی مر مار و کزدم را چه کرد
کو همی‌خواهد مرورا مرگ و درد

گرگ را خود خاصیت بدریدنست
این حسد در خلق آخر روشنست

باز می‌گفت این گمان بد خطاست
بر برادر این چنین ظنم چراست

باز گفتی حزم سؤ الظن تست
هر که بدظن نیست کی ماند درست

صوفی اندر وسوسه وان خر چنان
که چنین بادا جزای دشمنان

آن خر مسکین میان خاک و سنگ
کژ شده پالان دریده پالهنگ

کشته از ره جملهٔ شب بی علف
گاه در جان کندن و گه در تلف

خر همه شب ذکر می‌کرد ای اله
جو رها کردم کم از یک مشت کاه

با زبان حال می‌گفت ای شیوخ
رحمتی که سوختم زین خام شوخ

آنچ آن خر دید از رنج و عذاب
مرغ خاکی بیند اندر سیل آب

بس به پهلو گشت آن شب تا سحر
آن خر بیچاره از جوع البقر

روز شد خادم بیامد بامداد
زود پالان جست بر پشتش نهاد

خر فروشانه دو سه زخمش بزد
کرد با خر آنچ زان سگ می‌سزد

خر جهنده گشت از تیزی نیش
کو زبان تا خر بگوید حال خویش

Poet: Maulana Rumi
Translation: Reynold A. Nicholson
Edited by: @tamim

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