مولوی - مثنوی معنوی - دفتر دوم - بخش ۱۲ | Rumi - Spiritual Couplets - Book 2 - Part 12

in #maulana7 years ago

How a certain person frightened an ascetic, saying, “Weep little, lest thou become blind.”

445-A comrade in the work (of religion) said to an ascetic, “Weep little, lest thine eye come to harm.”

The ascetic said, “The case is not outside of (admits only) two (alternatives): the eye will see, or it will not see, that (Divine) Beauty.

If it see the Light of God, what is there to grieve about? How little are two eyes (to him that is) in union with God!

And if it shall not see God, let it go! Let such a miserable eye become blind!”

Do not grieve for your eye when that Jesus is yours; do not go to the left (but to the right), that he may give you two right (sound) eyes.

450-The Jesus of your spirit is present with you: beg aid from him, for he is a goodly aider;

But do not every moment lay on the heart of (that) Jesus the unprofitable work of (providing for) a body full of bones,

Like the fool whom we mentioned in the story for the sake of the righteous.

Seek not you from your Jesus the life of the body, ask not from your Moses the wish of a Pharaoh.

Burden not your heart with thoughts of livelihood; livelihood will not fail: be (constant in attendance) at the (Divine) Court.

455-This body is a tent for the spirit, or like an ark for Noah.

When the Turcoman is there, he will find a tent, especially when he is one held in honour at the Court (of God).


ترسانیدن شخصی زاهدی را کی کم گری تا کور نشوی

زاهدی را گفت یاری در عمل
کم گری تا چشم را ناید خلل

گفت زاهد از دو بیرون نیست حال
چشم بیند یا نبیند آن جمال

گر ببیند نور حق خود چه غمست
در وصال حق دو دیده چه کمست

ور نخواهد دید حق را گو برو
این چنین چشم شقی گو کور شو

غم مخور از دیده کان عیسی تراست
چپ مرو تا بخشدت دو چشم راست

عیسی روح تو با تو حاضرست
نصرت از وی خواه کو خوش ناصرست

لیک بیگار تن پر استخوان
بر دل عیسی منه تو هر زمان

همچو آن ابله که اندر داستان
ذکر او کردیم بهر راستان

زندگی تن مجو از عیسی‌ات
کام فرعونی مخواه از موسی‌ات

بر دل خود کم نه اندیشهٔ معاش
عیش کم ناید تو بر درگاه باش

این بدن خرگاه آمد روح را
یا مثال کشتیی مر نوح را

ترک چون باشد بیابد خرگهی
خاصه چون باشد عزیز درگهی

Poet: Maulana Rumi
Translation: Reynold A. Nicholson
Edited by: @tamim


Persian (Farsi)

I have missed your posts in recent days, so I thought to go back to some of those earlier ones I missed. I like the simplicity of this instruction which to me seems to say, done worry about the body it is better to be close to God, don't worry of possessions celebrate God.

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