Saw my partners car twice

Saw my partners car twice

Summary of Post

I saw the headlights of the other car and we both shut our headlights off, leaving the marker lights on as we do as we pass. As I saw swapping patrol areas with my partner we have to cross paths on a single lane road with a turn around about half way through. I pull to the side and shut my lights off, the other car does the same, it was strange because only security passes this courtesy to other drivers. Saw the markings and car number on his cruiser, I gave him a wave, he waved back, as we normally do. On the property that I work security for we have two agents that patrol in marked vehicles. Alright boys, this happened less than 15 minutes ago. I didn't say anything as I was lost for words.

Alright boys, this happened less than 15 minutes ago.

On the property that I work security for we have two agents that patrol in marked vehicles. As I saw swapping patrol areas with my partner we have to cross paths on a single lane road with a turn around about half way through.

I saw the headlights of the other car and we both shut our headlights off, leaving the marker lights on as we do as we pass.

Saw the markings and car number on his cruiser, I gave him a wave, he waved back, as we normally do.

Once he passed I turned my lights on and drove about 500 feet to the end of the road where another wide spot is, I saw the lights of another car.

I pull to the side and shut my lights off, the other car does the same, it was strange because only security passes this courtesy to other drivers.

As the car passed, there it was, the same vehicle number, my partner waving to me, I gave a confused look and he radioed me asking if I was alright.

I didn't say anything as I was lost for words.

For him to be able to pass me twice on this particular road, he would have had to pass me the first time and drive over 4 miles, and go through 3 car gates in the time I moved 500 feet.


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