Something that happened to me the other week...

Something that happened to me the other week...

About 2 weeks ago I went to Walmart with my girlfriend. We RARELY go to Walmart now that we do our grocery shopping at Aldi. Anyways, we walk past the electronics section, where I see a section filled with DVDs for sale. One of the covers sticks out to me, and it’s got an actor I recognize but have never seen or heard of the movie anywhere before. I read the summary on the back and decide to notate the movie in my phone so that I can stream it later online when I get home. We finish up and go home.

When we get home, my girlfriend starts studying for her class, so I decide to search up the movie to give it a shot. I look around, eventually find a decent file to stream, and start watching the movie. My girlfriend is completely uninterested. After an hour or two, the movie is over and I start to look around the “new movies” section of the site. My girlfriend complains and asks if we can watch something on Netflix, but we watch Netflix almost every single day, so I tell her I’d rather not, but obviously I cave in and proceed to open up Netflix.

The big “N” blasts onto the screen, and the app proceeds to open the new main-screen that advertises newly added movies that are gaining traction in popularity on the app. To my complete and utter awe, now #1 in the US after another movie/show holding the same spot for about an entire week, the same exact movie that I’ve never seen or heard of, that I JUST finished watching, is playing a trailer on the very first screen I encounter after opening Netflix.

My jaw dropped to the floor. My girlfriend witnesses the entire thing. We’ve had COUNTLESS experiences where we go way out of our way to find and watch movies and/or shows for however long, and about a week or two after we finally find and watch it, it gets added to Netflix. BUT, this was an entirely different experience, and my girlfriend just sits there and laughs at me while I start to freak out and question the very fabric of reality. I’ve told a few people about this experience, but I realized it probably sounded a little TOO coincidental, so I haven’t mentioned it to anyone in about a week or so. Not only did it happen EXACTLY how I explained it, but it was also a very, VERY, trippy movie about the fabric of space and time, time-travel, and also touched on the subject of coincidences and things of the sort. The movie is called Synchronic, and not only was it a decent movie, but my entire experience around first learning about it blew my f**king mind. I literally questioned everything for a little bit after that. It plays in my head and gives me the same crazy feeling, every time. It was just a little TOO much, honestly.

What’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever witnessed? (Thanks for the read!)## TLDR Summary:

The movie is called Synchronic, and not only was it a decent movie, but my entire experience around first learning about it blew my f**king mind. After an hour or two, the movie is over and I start to look around the “new movies” section of the site. When we get home, my girlfriend starts studying for her class, so I decide to search up the movie to give it a shot. I look around, eventually find a decent file to stream, and start watching the movie. I read the summary on the back and decide to notate the movie in my phone so that I can stream it later online when I get home. One of the covers sticks out to me, and it’s got an actor I recognize but have never seen or heard of the movie anywhere before. Anyways, we walk past the electronics section, where I see a section filled with DVDs for sale.


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