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This election, which will take place in 2024, will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN HISTORY because of the possibly disastrous ramifications of casting a wrong vote in the presidential election of 2024. The United States of America runs the risk of becoming a totalitarian dystopia in which the minds of its citizens are controlled by propaganda with the aim of converting them into mindless cogs in an imperial machine. This would be a disastrous outcome for the country. This is something that may occur if the United States of America keeps moving in the same direction it is now heading. In this fictitious account of the unfolding of events, the United States of America are ruled by an authoritarian government.



Despite the fact that the war in Ukraine is one of the most often discussed subjects in the United States and among its allies, it is nonsensical to portray this as "supporting Russia." Recognizing this truth is not the same thing as expressing sympathy for Russia since imperialism on the part of the United States was the driving force behind the initiation and prolonging of this conflict in order to promote the self-serving interests of the United States. Recognizing this fact is not the same thing as expressing sympathy for Russia. It doesn't matter how much you despise Putin; they are the provable facts that can be backed up by a mountain of evidence, and you have no choice but to recognize them. These facts are indisputable and cannot be disputed. The only objective of recasting the recognition of apparent truths as hostile support for a foreign state is for the purpose of suppressing criticism of our own government and the officials of that country.

People who use words such as "Putin apologist" are always apologists for US imperialism because they embrace both of these ideologies. These people use phrases such as "Putin apologist" because they support both of these philosophies. In addition to rebutting this charge, I also want to bring to your attention the fact that allegations of this kind are almost never leveled against individuals who have a positive view of Russia; rather, they are aimed at individuals who have a negative view of the foreign policy of the United States. It is not those who applaud for Russia and support Putin who are most often accused of being loyal to the Kremlin; rather, it is those who oppose the acts of US imperialists who are most commonly accused of this. Those who rejoice for Russia and support Putin are seldom accused of being faithful to the Kremlin. It is hardly feasible to understand such behavior without having a profound dedication to the Empire.

Some of the most poisonous and challenging people to be friends with are those that want you to share their ideas on politics, religion, entertainment, and everything else. They are also among the most challenging individuals to maintain friendships with. This is the standard operating procedure of a vast empire, which now exercises its control over us.
The empire of the United States of America has all of the characteristics of a narcissist with a disordered personality. It views other people as things to be used rather as living beings with whom to connect, it use language to control and manipulate rather than to communicate and learn from one another, and it brands as an enemy anybody who doesn't prioritize their own needs first.

During the 2000s, one of the primary focuses of US foreign policy was on carrying out large-scale, overt land invasions. These invasions took place in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the 2010s, there was a shift in emphasis on supplying proxies in a variety of countries, including Yemen, Libya, and Syria. Massive proxy clashes on the borders of its main two adversaries (Ukraine and Taiwan) have been pushed out until the 2020s.

With each adjustment, it becomes progressively more difficult to see the heinous nature of the empire. It has grown more cunning about its murderousness in order to maintain its support from the world community and to suppress feelings of antiwar sentiment. When it was only a matter of Bush-style "smash and grab" territory invasions, this was an easy task to do.

Despite this, the empire continues to be as bit as dangerous and deadly as it was under the Bush administration. The conflict that it started in Ukraine is just as reprehensible as anything that Bush or Obama did during their terms in office. Even more so in light of the fact that the possibility of a nuclear war appears to be growing with each passing day. In light of this, putting a stop to the aggressive conduct of the imperial authority has become not only more difficult but also more important. It is of the utmost importance to keep the general people informed of the destruction that these cretins are causing and the nuclear apocalypse that they are courting.

Individuals are more likely to be marginalized when the underhanded undermining of peace attempts grows more sophisticated. A significant number of Americans who opposed President Bush's strong approach to international affairs now back the US proxy warriors who are stirring up trouble with Russia and China. It is imperative that steps be taken to stop individuals from being led astray by those who engage in manipulative behavior.

The fact that this second battle is open to participation from anybody is, however, the nicest thing about it. Although not everyone has what it takes to be a whistleblower, leak publisher, or investigative journalist with a blockbuster scoop, everyone can do their bit to oppose imperial information manipulation by contributing to the dissemination of the truth. You may be of assistance by spreading the word about the public documents that show the misconduct of our leaders and encouraging others to do the same. You have the option of sharing it both online and offline depending on the mode you choose. Using stone-cold facts and persuasive arguments, you may put a stop to the manipulation apparatus once and for all.


At this stage of the fight, that's the role in which I'm most capable of contributing to the victory. I'm not the one out there digging up dirt, interviewing insiders, or spending weeks combing over FOIA documents (though I do respect the work of those who do), but I do have a way with words that helps the public better comprehend what's already been made public.

People have been conditioned not to look too closely at the depravity of the empire, and they have been acclimated to it their entire lives, so they are unable to notice it. This is a big obstacle to revolutionary change, and it is one of the reasons why people have been used to it. They may be assisted in seeing things in a different light with the right kind of aid.




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