Are we using the wrong numbering system? Introducing base 12 numbering system

in #mathematics8 years ago

Imagine a world where we counted 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,X,E,10 instead of our 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Welcome to the Duodecimal (or dozenal) numbering system. It uses a base 12 instead of our traditional base 10 decimal system. So why am I talking about this alien system? Well there are a few people that believe this is the numbering system to use. They claim that it would be easier to do normal arithmitic with this base 12, than our beloved decimal system, and Here is why!

enter image description here

An Alien numbering system

Let’s start with how it works. According to the dozenal society of America, after nine we have X which we call “ten”. After that we get E which we call “elf “ and then lastly we have 10 and we call it “unqua”. 10 or unqua is equal to 12. I will deomonstrate how to convert donenal to decimal! But for now you have to trust me ;)

enter image description here

a way to count to twelve with your fingers

Let us start with mathematical facts:

12 Have 6 factors (1,2,3,4,6 and 12) and 10 only has a whoping 4 factors (1, 2,5,10). This gives the dozenal system an advantage when it comes to division and fractions.

Let us look at how a half ½ is written in:
Decimal: 0.5
In dozenal a half is written 6/10 which is equal 0.6

So far decimal doesn’t look that bad! But what about a quater ¼?
In decimal a quater is equal to 0.25
In dozenal it is 3/10 or 0.3
Still not that bad ey? Hold that thought, here is where things get messy!

A third or ⅓ is written in decimal 0.333333…
A third in dozenal is written 4/10 = 0.4
Now that looks really Neat!

This is where the usefulness of dozenal stops. The most dozenal supporters live in the USA and UK where they use the imperial system of weighing and measuring, where twelves are seen everywhere. Twelve inches in a foot, 1Troy Pound = 12 Troy ounces! It makes sense to use a base 12, But for the rest of the world, well they use the metric system.
It works with 10’s : 10mm = 1 cm; 10cm =1 dm ect. ect.

enter image description here

Countries that use the metric system

Personally, I think we are fine with our base 10 system! Even in the USA and UK. But what do you think? leave a comment below

Quick Note:
Sorry for the long wait for another post I have been busy learning how to make better posts! ( actually posting images etc.) But do expect more posts in the future!
Thanks for reading :)

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Thanks for reading!


Excellent posts. Keep them coming!!! I am a Mathematics lover myself. Keep them coming.

Nice post. I heard before that some tribe can only count like "one,two,many" so I checked and found the following link. I should do an article one day: Is “one, two, many” a myth?

That is cool, i will dig around! thanks for the comment!

It's an interesting question whether base 10 is the best base or not to use, but we can't even manage to change the outdated keyboard layout that everyone uses let alone changing the world's numbering system.

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