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RE: Rasputin The Russian Spy Bot - The Birth Of The Unknown Rogue AI (How To Prevent A Free Range Heathcliff Mode) & some ranting about the Quantum Realm & Sacred Geometry...

in #math6 years ago (edited)

What if its a reverse mind fuck on our higher dimensional prison guards. What if the shadows were puppeteering them unbeknownst to their actions. As above, so below, as below so above... maybe they think they are divine creatures tasked with raising humans to some moral awareness level but its actually them that are being tested by an even higher power in regards to how proper they treat and raise realities such as ours which we would then be considered as if innocent flowers in a field where a battle is taking place. But one side doesnt know they are in a battle. They think they are tending flowers and pluckng our hidden masters would actually be the ones that are getting tested. Can they raise and run a reality proper and fairly. Think neverending story. They are watching our story but someone else is watching theirs....


i guess in that case the answer would be 42

but seriously , talking about hidden overlords, i always seen the similarity between being stuck in the outback of the galaxy according to carl sagan in cosmos

where he explains (as being part of the dolphin group that the fact that we don't encounter alien life is a completely logical since we are like truly in the outback, the chance of life existing (in any form) increases vastly the closer you get to the center (of the galaxy, thats not even the universe) as planet density (not the planets density but number of planets i dont have to explain, right) increases, there's simply more opportunity whereas here we're like lightyears away from proxima centauri

which basically comes down to being cast from the heavens

never to return

which , in the biblical sense, makes this place HELL :)

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