Make a Man Fall in Love With You

in #match2 years ago

To arouse his curiosity is the first step. Then you have to convince him to go after you. When you've got him, the key is to keep him happy. Finally, you need to become so crucial to him that he is unable to imagine life without you.

If you play your cards well, you'll be in love with him before you even know it.

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The process begins with this stage. Unfortunately, there isn't a miraculous elixir that will make him fall in love with you at first sight. To experience a passionate, lasting love, you must start at the beginning and progress from there.

Be confident

You'll need to use a different strategy to get his attention if you're afraid to approach him.

When he's present, you should aim to exude an air of assurance, delight, and comfort. If possible, start a conversation with a buddy who is nearby. If you're having fun and laughing, he'll soon ask what's so funny. in the direction of a passionate, lifelong love.


The initial flirtation stage is body language. Your body's ability to communicate with you has great power.
Your body will quickly communicate your anxiety through how it is positioned, which won't be helpful.

Start by allowing yourself to be exposed. Sit or stand tall, with your arms uncrossed and your head held high.

This expresses your friendliness and curiosity. If you are more approachable, men will feel more at ease talking to you.

When speaking to him, keep your eyes in his direction. This demonstrates to him that you are listening to what he has to say.

Just be there, and then carry on the conversation. You don't have to flutter your eyelids or lick the whipped cream for him to understand.


How To Play Hard To Get

Making a man fall in love with you is a game of cat and mouse. If you're a goal-oriented person, you're undoubtedly used to going out and acquiring what you want.

This is generally a nice attitude to have, but if you want to attract a man, you need to be subtle and persistent. You are not one of the fools who rush in, so keep that in mind.

Playing hard to get has become a dating cliché for a reason, but it's trickier than it seems.

It's not like you're going to leave him with nothing but a glass slipper to find when you go at midnight. You should remain reachable, but not overly so. You should be attentive to his ideas. Desire for more
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He'll start looking for you without your knowledge if you do a few simple things.

Let him act as the driving force behind continuing the pursuit. That's not to say you can't give him a hint that you're interested, but if he initiates contact and plans, you'll be giving him the kind of challenge that will pique his attention.


It is easy to understand but powerful. You can tell him you're curious by giving him a quick smile.

This will let him know that he has your consent if he's already interested in you.

It will cause him to consider you in that way if he hasn't already.

Whether this is a guy you've known for a long time, just met, or have only liked from afar, a brief glance and a smile is a great way to start things off.

Make Him Chase You

Let's say you just got back from a date with a guy. He is funny, charming, and beautiful. Since your first date went well, you are eager for a second.

The following day, he calls. He calls you six more times and, when you don't respond, he leaves a ton of voicemails. Did your mind begin to sound the alarms?

Men share the same situation. He will believe you have little else on your plate if you appear overly eager.
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It conveys the idea that you are very approachable, which suggests that you are not in high demand and are hence not very "valuable."

At this point, whether you like it or not, every interaction leaves a lasting impression, and being overly forthcoming makes you seem helpless.
You may say, "Any man who thinks like that is a shallow jerk," yet he isn't even aware of it. High-value connections have been at the center of human evolution for millions of years.

Natural selection might seem cruel, but if you comprehend it, you can exploit it to your benefit.

It conveys the idea that you are very approachable, which suggests that you are not in high demand and are hence not very "valuable."

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At this point, whether you like it or not, every interaction leaves a lasting impression, and being overly forthcoming makes you seem helpless.

Don’t Rush Things

I'm talking about sex, of course. If you want to establish something lasting, wait a while. Sex is a natural part of life, and whether you have it or not has nothing to do with your nature.

Don't give up on the first date if you really want to become a nun—you don't have to.

If he is genuinely interested in something other than sex, he won't mind.
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The idea behind waiting for sex is that you want him to pursue you for long enough to develop feelings for you that go beyond just physical attraction. He was trying to get into your pants, and you want him to treat you the same way.

Make Him Happy

It goes without saying that making each other happy is among the most crucial things. How is it possible to love someone who makes you unhappy? He will continue to fall in love with you if you can establish a strong link between your presence and his happiness.

Do The Little Things

Because guys aren't used to girls being romantic, bringing him flowers and opening the door for him are probably not the best strategies to win his heart.

However, all you need to do to make him swoon is to remember what matters to him.

Offer him a meal you know he'll like as a surprise. Inquire about his preferred movie, and then watch it together. The important thing is that you listened to what he had to say and responded accordingly.

Like women, guys desire to be seen and admired.
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Say Yes

Being accommodating is essential. Although you don't have to concur with everything he says, you shouldn't discount his opinions, make him feel foolish, or argue merely to argue. You're still allowed to taunt him and engage in those lighthearted skirmishes with him, but only in relation to trivial issues.

Theoretically, this ought to happen naturally. You'll likely concur on a number of points if he's someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Even Nevertheless, it happens frequently that opposites attract.

Sometimes it was his unusual perspective on the world that initially drew you to him. Keep that in mind, and wherever you can, try to follow his example. He'll value your efforts, so you might be surprised where you end up.
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Make Him Need You

It all comes down to making him depend on you in order to provide value to his life. The more time you spend together, the more involved you get in each other's lives. Dependence on one another is one of the cornerstones of love.

You'll have to depend on him as well. Asking him to drive you to the airport or open a jar for you helps him feel important, but try not to bother him.

Make sure you're giving the relationship more of yourself than you're gaining from it.

First, let me thank him. Make it a point to show him your feelings in addition to praising all that he does since guys love it when their partners are appreciative of them.
This can entail paying for the meal, helping him choose a gift for his mother's birthday, or attending to him while he is ill.

Show him you care about his well-being and aren't just thinking about yourself. This works well with any guy.

He will keep you around if you can be the person he comes to for guidance or a shoulder to weep on.

He'll start reaching out to you more frequently, and you two will hang out more often. The simplest path to finding love is through this.

How Long Does It Take To Fall In Love?

Romeo and Juliet took around five minutes, but we all know how that story ended.

The uninteresting but accurate reply is that it varies. There are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to love, and the same is true here. However, as I've already said, take your time. On the first date, if he says he loves you, he's either lying, doesn't know what love is, or doesn't have a full hand.

It takes time for a lasting love to grow.


If he professes his love for you, you shouldn't worry. Although it's an important step, this isn't the greatest approach to tell if what you have is real. Whether or not the relationship is developing is what important.
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Take into account the ensuing inquiries.

He spends time with you, right?
Has he spent time with your family and friends?
Can you depend on him in a pinch?
Does he share his life, his dreams, and aspirations with you?
Do you two plan to stay together?
These are indications of a person in love. If the truth be told, you can say yes to these inquiries, you have his whole attention.
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