Recently NASA research has proven the sun will rise from the West !! The following explanation ...

in #matahari7 years ago


Recently NASA research has proven the sun will rise from the West !! The following explanation.

Glory be to Allah On all these universes, The truth of the teachings of Islam is continually proved by discoveries for the sake of scientific and scientific discoveries. The latest shocking fact, the polar position of the earth began to shift, a sign of the sun will rise from the west.


One thousand four hundred (1400) years ago, Rasulullah SAW already declared in his hadith, the sun will rise from the west as proof of the glory of Allah SWT and the doomsday characteristics are getting closer: "There will be no doomsday so that the sun rises from its setting, It has risen from the west and all human beings see it then all they will believe, and that is a time that is of no use to the faith of someone who has never believed before. " (History of Bukhori and Muslim from Abu Hurairah). The sun rises from the West will occur for one day only, then closed the door repentance. After that, the movement of the sun will return as previously rises from the east until the occurrence of doomsday.This is appropriate and justified by researchers NASA in the article below. From Ibn 'Abbas, "So Ubai bin Ka'ab said:" Then how will the sun and man after that? "The Messenger of Allah replied:" The sun will still shine its light and will rise as it was published before, and people will face ( Duty) of their world, when a man's horse gives birth to his son, he will not be able to ride the horse until the end of the world. "(Fathul Bari, Book of Arriqaq, Juz 11, Thulu'issyamsi Min Maghribiha). Observed Physical Scientist and He Finally Entrance of IslamDemitri Bolykov, a physicist who is very fond of study and scientific research, said that the entrance to Islamannya is physics. What a very scientific, how can physics can Demitri Bolyakov convert to Islam? Demitri said that he was incorporated in a scientific study led by prof. Nicolai Kosinikov, one of the experts in the field of physics. They are in the study of a sempel tested in the laboratory to study a modern theory that explains the rotation of the earth and its axis. They managed to establish the theory. But Dimetri knows that it is narrated in a hadith from the Prophet that is known to Muslims, even including the core of their creed that reinforces the necessity of the theory exists, in accordance with the results achieved. Demitri was convinced that this kind of knowledge, which was more than 1,400 years old as the only possible creator of the universe. Kosinov is the most recent and boldest theory in estimating the phenomenon of the rotation of the earth on its axis. This group of researchers designed a spherical seal filled with a thin board of molten metal, placed on a magnetized body formed from opposing electrodes of current. When electric current runs on the two electrodes it gives rise to a magnetic force and a ball filled with thin planks Of the metal begins to spin on its axis this phenomenon is called "Integral Motion Electro Magno-Dynamics". This motion on its substance becomes the activity of the rotation of the earth on its axis. At the level of reality in nature, solar power is a "driving force" that can give birth to a magnetic field that can push the earth to spin on its axis. Then the motion of this rotation of the earth in terms of sooner or later along with the power of the solar power. On this basis also the position and direction of the north pole depends. It has been held research that the magnetic poles of the earth up to 1970 moving at a speed not more than 10 km in a year, but in recent years the speed has increased to 40 km in a year. Even in 2001 the earth's magnetic poles shifted from its place to a distance of 200 km in one move. This means that the earth with the influence of magnetic force causes two magnetic poles alternating places. It means that the "motion" of the earth's rotation will lead in the opposite direction. That's when the sun will rise (out) from the West. This knowledge and information is not found in the books Demitri or heard from anywhere, but he obtained the conclusion from the results of research and experiments and research. As he studied the interfaith religious scriptures, he found no clue to such information other than Islam. He found the information from a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, "Who repents before the sun rises from the land, then Allah will accept His Taubat" This article does not predict when the apocalypse will occur, but confirms that the sun will rise from the direction Western as the Prophet Muhammad SAW alaihi Wa Sallam has said

Source: makkah news

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