The Sad Story of How I Became A Degenerate Masternode Owner

in #masternodes6 years ago

It all started out innocently enough. I had dabbled in staking, most notably staking Monkey back before it became a clown show. I bought in at $2 and staked like crazy and then sold my whole bag at about $12-15.

And then I took a few hundred bucks and bought a Qbic masternode. I spent an hour setting it up. At the time, 1 Qbicwas $0.25, and the collateral was 1,000 Qbic. So far, I've made about 450 Qbic and sold all of them, and most were sold at a higher price than $0.25. The price is now about $0.21, but that's fine.

And then I found Gin. I couldn't help myself. Gin was trading for about $7 and the collateral is 1k, so I splurged. I sold my old Qash bag that had lost about 75% of its value. Screw it, I'll take that as a sunk cost. Then I sold my Lux bag because I was having lingering doubts about their Dev team and their ability to deliver. I sold some Steem and some other random things and got myself a shiny new Gin masternode.

And then I went ape&%$% crazy and bought a Rhenium node. I bought a pump and it's since lost like 30-40% of its value. And the chain is a mess, there is some issue with the new wallet and hard fork and my node is down. I have no idea what the heck is going on with it.

So now I just pass my days refreshing CoinMarketCap and staring at the Gin price, which is going up, and Rhenium price, which is going sideways. I keep asking in the Rhenium discord, "How fix masternode? When stable>? When Moonnn?" - but no one listens. I stare with glassy eyes at my Rhenium wallet, looking at my staking and masternode rewards, wondering if they are even on the correct chain. They might be lost forever into the void of cyberspace, abandoned on a chain that withers and dies...

All I can think about is Zcoin and StakeNet nodes and how badly I want them, I need them. I dream of the notification of an incoming masternode reward, which comes in about once every two days for both Qbic and Gin. I celebrate when it happens with wine and champagne and grapes. I cry myself to sleep because I don't have more nodes. I hate myself and the only medicine is nodes, masternodes, more more more!! There are sores developing on my fingers from clicking refresh and my eyes hurt but I don't care. I haven't been in to work in weeks and my hair hurts


Mate....masternodes ? are you sure you're not hallucinating due to substance abuse and are in fact, talking about masterbation? This definitely makes your hair hurt, especially when you trap a curly in the fly.

nope! my hair hurts from short term masternode withdrawal, it's a common symptom ;-P

LOL, either way, it's nice to see you back and posting :-)

Never heard an addiction to masternodes before, but I suppose you can get addicted to anything. I was considering staking in VeChain and applying to get a masternode, but that would have been the majority of my holdings and I wanted to stay diversified. Hope your nodes work out :X

I am in the same boat. I started to stake on staking lab I check it every few hours. I am sure the same will be said for any future masternodes I make.

Lol, I feel your pain! With this latest downturn in prices, thinking about jumping in with some masternodes I have been keeping my eye on including GIN, Linda etc.

I've been shilling Gin, but it's really great. Using the actual platform is incredibly easy. I've set up my own masternode before, but using gin is worth the bit of extra $$ because it's so easy and so fast.

I just setup an Akora masternode today. Hopefully Gin next week.

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