The Master's wisdom # 23 – You have tremendous help on your path

in #master6 years ago

When you recognize your existence as an enlightened, you call upon unseen realms and evoke tremendous support. This and this alone connects!

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Credit: Lemyre Art

Many people think that they are alone, that no one is there to help them, that if they begin to execute a spiritual life, detaching, for a while, from the mundane elements of the routine life, then everybody will turn against them or even worse ignore them. And they might remain alone.

But the truth is the opposite. When you begin to claim your inherent right to be free, to be realized, then all the forces of the universe are marching to be there for you.

At first, you will know nothing, then a tender feeling will crawl in, and finally the knowing.



I am dreaming of these things now. I have opened my self to your teachings and I honestly I can really feel it crawling in me. I must learn to claim this now. The joy and happiness I am feeling are different and I know my inner-self agrees with me, a great feeling of positivity and possibilities.
I greatly appreciate this @nomad-magus. I know I will have to learn more. Thank you very much! :) ♥

I have opened my self to your teachings

...a mere reflection of your own wisdom.

If a person believes in her/him self then he/she will do anything

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