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RE: Mass violence... have instability and will then there is a way...

in #massviolence8 years ago

Or one of my recent favorites...

The fact that they use the term "Collateral Damage" like the cure all that justifies killing unintended targets. It has become the excuse that can be used to justify killing anyone.


unless we're speaking of a bomb or some such, so called 'mass violence' is no such thing. It's sequential act of violence after another after another.
The solution is to stop it fast.
If an armed citizen is present when a crazy pulls a gun (knife, hammer,) and runs amok... The citizen can put a STOP to that silliness right quick.

You don't want less want MORE. Everyone who can handle a gun should have one at all times. Kind of like smartphones..

When seconds count the police are only minutes away...

Good point. Serial vs Parallel violence. I also think you already know I agree with you.

Yes that kind of use of language is straight out of 1984.

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