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RE: Mass violence... have instability and will then there is a way...

Actually confronting the issue is difficult. EXTREMELY difficult.

Giving a man a fish, easy, if you have extra. Teaching a man to fish is a lot of time, money and effort.

The govern-cement does do anything it can't just throw money at. Because doing anything real requires effort.
If everyone went to court and fought their speeding ticket, the entire govern-cement would grind to a halt.
If everyone busted for pot fought it in court, the entire govern-cement would grind to a halt.

If it isn't as simple as catch someone, throw them in a cage. Govern-cement wouldn't do it.

Helping the poor and homeless is a PAIN IN THE ASS. Makes herding cats seem easy. This actually helping. Trying to get them a place to stay, getting them into a routine, help them get a job or any sort of skill... Hard, hard work.

Helping out the mental health needing people... Insanely hard. Usually it ends up, drug them until they sit still.

What the govern-cement wants is, "Oh, looks like our records show that you were diagnosed by your school psychologist with ADD and put on SSRIs a decade ago, well, you can't have a gun.


Govern-cement.... heheh... never heard that one before.

Spot on. Great points:)

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