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RE: Mass violence... have instability and will then there is a way...

And the opposite thing, what is missing on the news? Grandma protected herself, because she had a gun. A lone, crazed gun man goes on a rampage and dies, because a citizen was concealed carrying. So many of these stories, and never once does the MSM report them.

On the other hand, a gun is one of the best things to give an insane person (if you have to allow them to have a weapon). Guns use bullets, and they are not unlimited. They become bulky and heavy quite quickly. Most of the bullets fired quickly in anger miss. So, the actual damage done is quite minimal compared with someone using a machete. Another thing about a gun is it is loud, and draws attention.

If I wanted to kill people (and I don't. Not even the pizza-gate bad guys) then there are so many more ways to do it. Like, drive a gas tanker truck into an electric sub-station and light it up, just when New York is entering a real cold-spell. Really, really easy, and there aren't contingency plans for it.

Thankfully, the people that go nuts are usually the type of people that have low IQ and are just angry, want to lash out at the world. They never think of big things.


Spot on... As to what is missing from the news. It depends upon the agenda at the time. BLM is popular now so in the same time 5 white guys may have been killed by the police you kind of have to dig in a local paper to find it. Yet if it is a black guy the news will cover it extensively, because that fits with the current popular agenda.

The times when someone does major damage with another weapon such as a knife, don't get hardly any coverage. Yet it happens.

They will report (the guy in the video @thecryptofiend shared covers this) that gun violence and deaths are down in Australia after banning guns.

What they won't report is that actual violence and deaths are UP.

So it didn't actually reduce death and suicides. Those increased. It just changed the TOOL used.

The news likes to scare us. That kind of stuff would not fit their agenda.

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