Discrepancies in news stories we hear on the Tell a Vision box and eye witness accounts at shooting scenes. What is going on and why is it taking this long to bring down the Deep State?

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These are some discussion questions from the Philadelphia shooting.

This report found here,
Philadelphia shooting 8/14/2019 Tioga-Nicetown $1Billion seized from Philly Port in June this year

It is fully sourced and includes live links to news feed and police scanners.

This article seeks to cover,

  • A discussion which ensued following a clip that was captured where it appeared something the color of blood appeared when no one saw a wound on one of the officers. Someone watches their local news had hit record.

  • Questions of why it is taking so long to take the reigns away from those on the side of evil.

  • Why have there been conflicting reports on mainstream media from what eyewitnesses on the scene state?

To protect this video from being torn down as it possibly conflicts with the narrative mainstream media is told to push out, it can be found on this bitchute link,



I understand it's an emergency packet they carry that has iodine mixed with a "quick clot" as a safety measure just as important as a body cam.


It’s not blood. It’s iodine . Geez

My response,

We used to use iodine for minor cuts and scrapes. Wouldn't they have gotten him an EMT right away and the iodine is generally a little bottle with dropper as not much is needed. Those are large splotches and looked to be done with a rag or something that allowed large amounts to come out. I realize they are supposed to be in an emergency situation. They are not supposed to use iodine for deep wounds or puncture wounds so something not adding up.

Another Poster,

its nice to know police keep iodine in there back pockets. And instead of having a dropper, they poor a massive amount all over the place, and don't even attempt to stop the bleeding.


in the er they always put a small amount of iodine on for stitches. This is done to clean the wound. They don't poor iodine on bullet hole or cut to stop the bleeding. Can you post a link to how to use iodine to clot blood? I can't find anything, on that subject. And I am very big into iodine.

Another Poster,

I understand it's an emergency packet they carry that has iodine mixed with a "quick clot" as a safety measure just as important as a body cam.

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There is Bentadine

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another poster states,

cops don’t carry iodine. In order to stop a wound from bleeding, you must apply pressure not put iodine on it. Smdh


I can’t see a wound when he’s running towards the car. Because there is no wound

A Poster,

They often use real situations to their benefit to push their agenda so I see it as very possible it’s a real situation with some ofthe deep state mixed in taking advantage of the event to create additional drama for their benefit .. gun control.

My response to a poster,

Thank you ***** People are going absolutely Mad over this instead of realizing we are all just trying to figure out what's up. I don't take the media's word for Anything and we have to Test what we are shown as there are conflicting stories.

I realize anything is possible. I am searching for more eye witness accounts. Much of this gets buried and forgotten rather than being attended to, and some people are telling me to take down the post and others are belittling and cussing about it. Tells me there is Far more involved with this than we are being told. I just want All of the truth, so when we see discrepancies in the mainstream media stories, we have to Question as they have repeatedly lied about Trump and other events. They have also Buried all stories about how many pedophile rings have been brought down and refused to give coverage to the Known Epstein case until They Had to when he was Finally arrested again. Many of us were ridiculed and belittled by MSM fans for years and here he Absolutely has been proven in those unsealed docs to have been a child sex trafficker. Where there is smoke, There IS fire.

Also had someone on another board call me out by name for Daring to post this footage, which was not from my own channel and was posted by a Twitter poster in which he recorded it from his own Tell a vision box on local news station and uploaded.



I know people try to Control the Narrative, shocked that people in a Q group are still attempting to do this as one of the reasons anons banned together was because we were tired of the infringement and bullying tactics of the Deep State and corporate owned media. The censorship tactic of social media giants like twitter and facebook who consistently infringe upon our right to free speech, yet hearing these same bully tactics from our own group. . .or are they? They could be plants as much of Shareblue, owned by David Brock, the infant lover. . .James Alefantis' ex boyfriend.

Go here if not familiar,


What lies beneath? Those connected to Epstein including evidence of a glass sub he invited Hawking on? Info on island, Who has flown on his plane, how there is access to children

What some people are referring to is likely Bentadine, which is a povidone-iodine solution which is a topical antiseptic so perhaps this is a possibility.

Many reported not seeing the gash, wound or cut on his arm prior to this being poured out.

I don't know what it was, I do know that iodine is generally a little bottle with dropper as not much is needed. Those are large splotches and looked to be done with a rag or something that allowed large amounts to come out. I realize they are supposed to be in an emergency situation. They are not supposed to use iodine for deep wounds or puncture wounds.

Perhaps if this is Bentadine, that could explain the large splotches?

Many out there are concerned about how long it is to take down this evil now that even more are aware how rampant this is. They grow impatient, which I understand as we All want this to end.

Here is my response to why isn't more happening faster,

Just as the White Hats said we are the News now or We the People have become the News from seeking truth. . .I see you and all these others posting and telling truth daily. Never before has it been at this level and never So Many on Board. Just look at the rally in New Hampshire. Mainstream news tries to keep the truth away that the heathen party is hurting and Trump, who is clearly backed by God has people in droves! Not even enough space to held them all. The tide has turned and the wicked ones Know it.

They will continue to wreak havoc, ramp up violence, squeal and yell like demonic entities. So Be it! We've all seen it before, they are Not in the driver's seat and Nothing they do can Stop what is coming. Sure to be more of their temper tantrums from the pain the White Hats and We the People are Bringing. So be it! We are backed by our God who is Stronger and Mightier than they are!

What I speak is not popular and in their eyes not even allowed to be spoken. This is what happens when people desire their God given Freedom above their slavery and predatory rules. Either live free or die free. The cabal doesn’t like it that people like you and many others Won’t let them trample all over us. Oh how they will continue to try, but the White Hats and people backing them Won’t back down! They will continue to censor us, try to silence us. We’ve all reorganized many times and have various means and ways of communication. They can’t Stop what God has planned!

We must become the Law. We Have to get better people, people who are Not these heathens who Prey rather than pray upon people. These heathens Don't want us to know there are more of US than them. You're right Trump is doing what he can, but only one person. We all backed him before, we Will and Are doing it again. They try to cause any trouble with their cheating and scams, God's army Will dismantle them!

Response to it running rampant and the evil overtaking every industry and sector in society,

Our God who is Stronger, who is Mightier. We can do All things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us! Satan infiltrated many of these churches back in the day. . .now his seedy lot runs things in many a church.

You've seen them if you stand against this evil and have discernment, I know you and others have. You know how that Vatican is also a Pit of Vipers, not just them, plenty of other denominations took those 30 pieces of silver in their tax cut from that contract with the devil himself in that 501c3 bribe. I realize many didn't see it that way, but God has shown us Plainly Exactly what it was. . .a bribe. Came along right after the first Bildeberg meeting took place and I realize many didn't see it coming as that is how satan works. He is subtile and manipulative.

Well, people like you all who are on the side of God, See through the deception and been chosen to STAND see it. . . and there are more of us! The Remnant. . .they used these churches to make us forget how strong we are together with God's power to back us as His sons and daughters. We have God's spirit inside and Far more powerful than satan. Satan knows we all all stand together he can't defeat us, which is why he continues to make people believe they can't do it. You and I know they can, but they must believe obey and take back the power that is vested in them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. How satan hates it when we know, how he sends messengers to tell us how much he hates us. So be it. . .Nothing he says can stop God's almighty power and the Remnant!

Satan has always been weaker than God's power. He tries to make people think otherwise, but We Know the TRUTH! It won't be easy, it Will get worse before it gets better because you don't take down this level of evil or strongholds without a great deal of pushback, but many have been put through the fire, broken, beat down, but through the refining. . .strengthened. NOTHING to lose now. . .we know this world is Not our Home. There IS a new kingdom coming and I'm not talking about the anti-christ and beast system's new world order deception. He will continue ushering it in, in the End Game he LOSES! He won't be able to stand against the Almighty and His Remnant and win! That sick serpent, that old dragon will be thrown into the pit!

Sure is interesting that verse 42 in the following passage God wrote to us all and here Epstein was 66 and arrested on the 6th day of July.

Mark 9
For he that is not against us is on our part. 41 For gwhosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. 42 And hwhosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. 43 iAnd if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into khell, into lthe fire that never shall be quenched: 44 Where mtheir worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 45 And nif thy foot ||offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life.

Here are other news stories in which eye witness accounts differ vastly from what we are being told on the news,


This girl describes how she met Nikolas Cruz, the shooter, while the event was occurring, walking down the hall, and simultaneously heard gun shots while she was talking to him. She also knew him when they were in middle school.




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More information on the El Paso shooter here and questions on security cam footage,

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Notice how we see two different photos from the same news source and find information in the link on all that mainstream media Did Not tell us on the connections to the El Paso shooters father and a mental health facility he was connected to which was shut down after it was allegedly found abusing the children though physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually. Also connected to working with people from Brazil's John of God.

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El Paso shooter Photos on news do not match including, Multiple Shooters witnessed, how the father of Patrick Crusius is a therapist connected to Brazil's John of God the pedophile




David Hogg's family is also interesting. . .

  • father connected to FBI

  • David Hogg being courted as likely intern for CNN

  • Hogg's mother worked for CNN for almost 20 years and organized Walk outs at school everywhere with Linda Sarsour

Should the children in our schools be put in the middle of a political battle in which one side wishes to go against our Constitution and break down all laws our country stands upon whenever it suits them?

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The FBI and CNN love Breaking News together! School Shooting Witness involved with CNN prior to shooting and Comey's assistant Josh Campbell also prepped to take a role at CNN!


Please let me know what you all have seen out there and what your thoughts are on the discrepancies we see in news stories as opposed to eye witness accounts. Keep #FightingTheGoodFight Godspeed Great #GuardiansOfChildren


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