Body Massage experience...

in #massage6 years ago

I am working in IT industry with a private firm in Bangalore. Influenced by couple of my friends and offers available in, I thought of getting an ayurvedic body massage to feel relaxed. It was my first body massage experience and I had lot of positive expectations from the massage center. Even mentioned in its voucher that ‘if you are happy with the services, please be generous in offering tips and keep visiting regularly’. But I had a terrible experience and would like to share it with you. Based on the receipt shared by, there were 2 branches of ‘Twacha’ massage centre and both branches carried two different numbers. I called one of the branches which is around 1.5km from my house (080-42030277) and took an appointment at 7pm on 25th Dec (the time when India vs. Pak match was scheduled to start!). Neither I asked/confirmed on the location nor did the executive say that the number which I called is actually belongs to other branch which is about 5km from my house (luckily!!!!). To my surprise, I get a call around 6pm on 25th Dec and I could recognize the number and thought the call must be from Twacha and the person must have called to remind me on my appointment at 7pm! Impressed with their customer service! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. The call was to check where I am and what time I will be reaching the massage centre as my appointment is scheduled at 6pm. This call put me in panic. I checked my message again and had to reconfirm back to him saying it’s at 7pm. 2. I got a call again from the same person on same topic around 6.15 to check where I am and why I haven’t reached yet. When I told about my appointment, he said ‘sorry sir its wrong number!’. 3. Reached the massage center which is about 1.5km from my house at 7pm and nobody was there! After about 2 min of looking around, a person enters from outside with few pamphlets of twacha in his hands by which I could recognize him that he must be a twacha employee! 4. When I told, I have an appointment at 7pm for body massage; he gave a surprising look at me and then checked the list of appointments on a piece of paper! 5. Then I called the number from where I got the call to get another surprise! A lady picks the call this time and said ‘sir, you have to come to another branch to get your massage done as there are no people available in the branch where you are!’. Then the person next to me confirms that, ‘yes sir I remember now, I only took your appointment yesterday over the phone and confirmed’! 6. Finally reached another branch around 7.15pm and there were 3 people in the center including a lady receptionist. 7. I have been asked to make the balance payment in advance (Rs.400.00) and Rs.70/- was returned for a 500 rupee note which I gave saying ‘Rs.30 is for tax!’. When I asked for a receipt for the payment including tax, they said no receipt will be provided! 8. Massage room condition was pathetic – oil and creams are spilled on the floor and also on the massage table! 9. Massage started at 7.30pm and completed by 7.45pm. I have been asked to wait for 10 min before taking bath after the massage and both men went out to wash their hands. 10. After 10 min, a person entered massage room and put a towel on the door of the bathroom and said ‘the hot water is available and now you can take the bath’ and I have also been given a shampoo. No soap! 11. After taking my bath, when I took the towel it was wet (someone or few people must have already used it and its stinking!!). I had to use the same towel as I had no choice! People were outside and I was feeling cold while I spent about 2-3 min already to inspect the towel and searching around for another one. Finally came out of massage room! 12. When I told about the towel to the people over there, one of them replied saying ‘sir we have shortage of towels and I though let me tell you to bring your own towel, but I forgot. Please bring your own towel next time!!!!... 13. I paid that Rs.70 also to him as a tip for massage and great service offered, which created a very good 1st impression in my mind!! Reached home to take another round of bath for 15 min!

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