How to Stop the Mass Shootings: End the Deep State

in #mass7 years ago

How to Stop the Mass Shootings: End the Deep State

Before you go, please hang in with me for a few minutes.

Rad Muslims choose their suicide bombers based on mental illness. Developmentally disabled people are easily misled and might not even understand what they are doing when they are strapped with explosives, told to walk into a building “for Allah”as someone pushes a button from a safe distance. Hell, the button-pushers might not even be Muslims!

In a similar manner, the deep state, whose goal of control necessitates disarming US citizens, chooses mass shooters based on instability, anger issues, and the demographic targeted for the next incident. Notice “they” carefully plan victims from different states, different religions, different occupations, different age categories, in order to elicit grief, outrage and cries for gun control from as many different arenas as possible. The shooters almost uniformly take psychotropic medications, many are seeing “psychologists” or “counselors” and one look at most of them can tell a moderately-perceptive person they are “unbalanced.” Many of the shooters have social media personas (or the deep state fabricates them, thus establishing their agenda before or after the fact).

It is politically incorrect to question the narrative-du-jour or to dig deeper into the discrepancies between eye-witness accounts and media reports. Americans are driven like cattle toward the prescribed conclusion: abandon so-called assault rifles. Australia’s successful gun ban is often touted. (Ahem, Australia also has a quasi-socialist government and universal health care, so, are we promoting THAT as well?)

This has led me to conclude that there is unmistakable similarity between suicide bombers and American mass shooters. Indeed, the shooters are often suicidal and/or they are conveniently killed by law enforcement before they are questioned or adjudicated. Our mass shooters are America’s deep-state-religion “suicide bombers.” If we want this abomination against life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to END, then we must look at those who wish to call all the shots (pun intended) in the US and demand transparency in every facet of this manipulative, totalitarian web of secrecy that is tearing apart our civilization.

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