Cross Platform Posting Using Multiply Your Efforts & Prepare For Impact

in #masdacsio6 years ago (edited)

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If that's not a headline that catches your interest, I don't know what will! You may even be wondering if you read it correctly. Here it is again.

Write Your Post & Publish It On Steemit, Medium, Golos & WHALESHARES - Same Post / 4 Platforms!

I can't promise anything, but my guess is that will add even more publishing platforms over time.

So the questions that follow if we are thinking logically are, "What are these other platforms & how does MASDACS tie them all together?"

Perhaps you're wondering why it's even worth your effort? The answer may be more pressing than you realize. I'll do my best to explain it all as I understand it, as well as why I think everybody's going to want to use it.

Huge Projects Are Nearly Upon Us! Will You Be Ready When They Arrive?

I'm not a coder or a programmer. What I am is a writer. I either share my own experience or I'm looking for new stories to break.

But to me, a story isn't ever as gripping as one written from experience. So I look for new adventures to try to find the ones worth exploring.

Then I delve into the information. The final result is my writing and a new shared experience. Here's what I see coming our way, and I for one am trying to prepare.

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EOS Is No Longer A Blur On The Horizon!

For those of you that have heard of EOS but haven't yet found time to check into it, I'll explain in laymen's terms. If you've never heard of EOS, this might interest you too. Of course, I'll leave links and cite all my sources so you can examine the facts for yourself.

Anytime there's a project of such immense proportion, one might expect the launch date to be pushed back a bit. By all accounts from the Larimer team, everything is moving forward as scheduled. EOS software is already available in a pre-release format. Anyone interested in taking a closer look can read more about EOS Dawn 3.0 on

What Is EOS & How Close IS The Estimated Launch Date?

It might be a better question if we ask, what isn't EOS? At a basic level, EOS is open source software that anyone can leverage (use) to build their own decentralized application. Using blockchain technology, of course. But here's the HUGE difference from anything people have seen out of blockchain yet. Actually, there's more than one HUGE difference.

  1. EOS will scale vertically. Say your project gets busy as nut bags. EOS will handle the extra amount of transactions, no problem. And then some. It will also scale horizontally. Could there ever be too many applications using the software? No way. EOS is able to scale to millions of transactions per second.
  2. Users won't incur any fees using EOS software.
  3. EOS software is user-friendly and easy to incorporate into an application.
  4. Used with an application, EOS can do almost anything.

Perhaps the answers to the first question on the EOS FAQ page describes it best:

EOS.IO is software that introduces a blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications (the “EOS.IO Software”). This is achieved through an operating system-like construct upon which applications can be built. The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across multiple CPU cores and/or clusters. The resulting technology is a blockchain architecture that has the potential to scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminates user fees and allows for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications. For more information, please read the EOS.IO Technical White Paper.

Citation Source: FAQ Web Page
Link To Technical White Paper

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With A Scheduled Launch Date Set For The 1st Of June!!!

If everything stays on track as it appears to be doing, that's barely 6 weeks away! Where do I see this information? Again you can check it for yourself using the link to the FAQ page above. Scroll down to number 21 on the list. Here it is in block quotes below for your own eyes.

As mentioned above, EOS Tokens will become fixed (non-transferable) on the Ethereum blockchain within 23 hours after the end of the final EOS Token distribution period which will occur on June 1, 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC. At this point the EOS Token distribution process will be complete and any person who wishes to launch an EOS Platform adopting the EOS.IO Software will be able to generate a JSON file mapping EOS public keys to the fixed balances of the EOS Tokens from the state of the Ethereum blockchain.

Citation: #21 On The FAQ Web Page

Also Up & Coming In The World Of HUGE Events: The EOS Hong Kong Hack-a-Thon

Interestingly enough, the EOS Hong Kong Hack-a Thon is set to happen just over a week after the June 1st EOS launch. The event in Hong Kong is set for the days of June 9th & 10th.

Info Source Citation:

Now I'm not an expert in Crypto trading so don't take this as pro advice. After the EOS Hong Kong Haack-a-Thon, you might start seeing a spike in value. It's tough to imagine that all the new projects starting as a result of EOS won't drive up the value of the entire Cryptoshpere.

One awesome feature about the Hack-a-Thon (and EOS community in general) is they want to hear ideas and opinions from everybody. If you have a good idea for a project or application, follow the citation link above. You can register and pitch your idea in a short video. This offers you a chance for paid travel to the Hong Kong event itself. You don't even need a team. The article says you'll be able to form one once you arrive. How cool is that?

Image Courtesy Of The WHALESHARES Community

Back To Cross Platform Posting On - See Why It's A Big Deal Yet?

As it stands, is already an incredibly powerful tool. It allows you to post to 4 different platforms at the same time. Platforms where the vision of future EOS projects will likely begin. This also gives people the powerful ability to reach a wider audience. You may have to style your post so not to spam these other platforms, but that's not too tough to do. The rewards of cross-platform posting are well worth a bit of extra effort.

It's Time To Get Involved & Not Be A Later Adapter

When you consider hard enough, all this extra sign up work and cross-posting only benefits you in the long run. Help get people the information about how the world is changing with projects like EOS. Show them how to get involved and let them do the same. I'll place the links below to helpful sources of info and invite links to related Discord servers. From here, the action is up to you and hinges on your decision to get involved.

Helpful Links To Get You On Your Way

If you don't have one already, get yourself a BitShares Wallet. This is where my journey began and it gives you huge control over your crypto finances. You'll also want one to participate and collect tokens in the many community projects. Like WHALESHARES for example. Join the WHALESHARES Discord Server and jump right in.

You'll also need to register on the different platforms that supports for your cross-posting efforts. Here are the links below:

  1. or use Busy may work faster for Steemit registration.
  2. Golos is basically the Russian version of Steemit.

Other Pertinent & Helpful Discord Servers

BitShares | EOS Talk | Project Milkbox | Beyond Bit Castellano

Links To EOS Communities On Telegram

EOS BlockPros | EOS Gov

Links To Sources Of Information & Citations

Hope You Enjoyed The Post - Follow @inalittlewhile & Don't Hesitate To Ask Questions Or Comment About Your Own Observation

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#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord


This could be a very valuable tool. Add ONO to that list.

Thanks for stopping by rt395. Happy to disuss anytime on SoCal Steemit.

i went to whaleshares and the interface look almost exactly like steemit. So similar that i tried to log in using my steemit username but of course, i didn't exist there

That is so funny I did the same thing yesterday. And I haven't had my registration come through yet. Haha. I was dreaming. Lol. :)

i just registered too, lets hope it get approved soon =D

Thanks for all this info @inalittlwhile!! I'm gonna get signed up on these other platforms and then start using masdacs for cross posting all my stuff.

Thanks @derekrichardson. Grab a wallet with BitShares and an account with Open Ledger too if you don't already have one. :)

This post was chosen to be featured in this weeks SoCal Spotlight!! Thank you so much for being part of the #socalsteemit community.

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