Captain Marvel 2019 Trailer Detail Breakdown

in #marvel6 years ago


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10 Symbol detects that this will be the beginning of the next years franchising the rise of captain marvel carrying the torch instead of iron man from now on till 2029:


Captain marvel arrives on earth in the kree defense suit as she crash lands on earth without knowing her true perpose.

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Captain Atlas worked with Doctor Minerva during the Kree/Shi'ar conflict called Operation: Galactic Storm, they retrieved Captain Mar-Vell's Nega-Bands. Atlas wore the Nega-Bands for a short time, and used them to switch places with Rick Jones. At-Lass battled the Avengers and the Shi'ar but when he discovered that the war was instigated by the Supreme Intelligence in order to irradiate and jump start the evolution of the Kree, At-Lass became disillusioned and committed suicide by activating his battle suit's self-destruct program. Doctor Minerva tried to stop his suicide but was caught in its destruction.


Nick Fury meets Carol Danvers before he loses his eyes...maybe he loses it because he lost it too a skrull back then..


Jude law is unknown to marvel fans of what character he is playing..either Von-rogg or Mar-Vell, as he could turn into a future villian or a rogue kree warrior and turn into a avenger Ally.

Maria Rambeau is the mother of Monica Rambeau in Marvel Comics. The character, created by writer Roger Stern and artist Al Milgrom.

Talos was born without the common Skrull ability of shapeshifting, however he easily compensated for this by becoming one of the most feared and respected of Skrull warriors within the Empire, this reputation earned Talos the nickname of Talos the Untamed.

Bron Char is a member of the Kree Lunatic Legion. When the Kree invaded Earth, Bron Char had the distinction of destroying Captain America's shield. The shield was a replica given to Captain America from the Smithsonian Institute.

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Cap Marvel is with Attlass and Minn-Erva the other kree super warriors ,who altogether face and fight the skrull commanders and their race.


The true origin of karol danvers turning into captain marvel who becomes due to a photon magnatron blast.


Maria Rambeau ,mother of another Captain marvel who becomes a fighter for the avengers team..


Kree outpost search team blast off by cap marvel right on spot..


Kree planet HALA as shown here outside windows..

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Ronan the Accuser arrives on earth boundary well before the chitauri army of loki arrived ...


phil Coulson to the rescue first before starting the avengers..


Binary form kree headgear and her primary suit..


Possible villian of this new movie.. none aware of her list..

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Full cosmic mode power of Cap marvel ..


Getting her memory erased now and then by kree empire..


Cap going after a possible skrull in the train ..

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Cap beating up a possible skrull in human disguise


The skrulls have finally arrived on earth of mcu after 12 years of wait..

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