Myanmar Traditional Boxing vol. 3: “Letwhayte System Secrets”- Fundraiser Proposal

in #martial-arts3 years ago

Introduction about Christopher McGrath and Letwhayte

My name is Christopher McGrath. I was born in Myanmar and trained in Myanmar ways of martial arts. However, I am 100% made in USA proud American regarding my life accomplishments. Encountering letwhayte warriors in the martial arts world is inevitable pursuing martial arts in Myanmar. I have no prejudice or bigotry to any martial arts system. I only care about what works. I learned martial arts for real usages, such as protecting myself and ascending in strength. Western Boxing, bare-knuckle fighting, taekwondo/karate, jeetkungdo, and letwhayte are my respective journey in martial arts in order. Note letwhayte was last. Other minor fields of martial arts I also learned in Myanmar are some Naban (wrestling tactics, throws and hip-throw takedown or slam-down methods). Still, the major grappling education and training I have now I learned in the USA. Nevertheless, I have to highlight secretive Myanmar takedown methods and principles and give proper credits back to their origins.

Letwhayte, also known as Myanmar Traditional Boxing (MTB), is a real martial arts system for sports and is useful in actual combat. When other martial artists asked about the system I used, letwhayte was unknown to many people 25 years ago. I had to explain letwhayte through Muay Thai. I didn’t want letwhayte to be under the shadows of the Muay Thai. Nowadays, most people explain letwhayte as Art of Nine Limbs, while they dub Muay Thai as Art of Eight Limbs. Letwhayte is very different from Muay Thai. Besides including the headbutt attacks, the ninth limb, letwhayte has many significant differences in the system. Principles, techniques, and tactics are different but beyond the scope to describe all here. Letwhayte fighter doesn’t even punch like Muay fighter. Western boxing gloves in Muay Thai sports changed the game. However, the focus here will not be on sports tactics and principles but on thoroughly documenting a firm methodology of the whole letwhayte system before it disappears like modern Muay Thai. Letwhayte is better known on the internet with misspelled wrong word “lethwei”.

Letwhayte warriors, teachers, and their knowledge are divided among obscure regions of Myanmar. I learned from challenging many different fighters, being friends with older, bigger and stronger fighters, and experimenting with the readings, proverbs, and folklore. I could replay the imagery of the contests in my mind to learn. The real secret of my success is my ability to heal quickly and challenge martial artists at higher levels again and again. The letwhayte system I will write will reveal detailed energy cultivating (Life Force) training and using the Life Force in the attacks and defenses. The ability to use the Life Force energy is not common among letwhayte warriors. Those who have the ability somehow implicitly inherit from some indirect training tactics. I will be explicitly documenting and revealing them all with direct training methods.

Why Funds are in Need

I wrote three martial arts instructional books before “AAW Jujitsu Techniques and Principles,” “MTB Instructional” Vol 1, and Vol 2 about 15 years ago. I knew the whole MTB system was too long to write all at once, so I had to break it down into smaller parts. All my works were quickly stolen via copyright violations and other ways. I had been making different strategies to continue my work. Finally, I realized that I had to dedicate at least one year of my life to producing the final volumes. Realistically, my other life responsibilities conflict with available times in my life. Money was the major problem. I estimate that at least two paid assistants and one cameraperson are needed.

Why Delays

A new strategy to prevent copyright violations was to make the product in the public domain. I realized the helpers for the video have to be trained in letwhayte system. However, I ran into difficulties in finding stable receptive people who would consistently show up and contribute to the product. In addition, I tried creating challenged sparring matches where I would be able to apply letwhayte ways realistically, but this also failed and wasted much time-- even some professional MMA fighters were disappointing cases. Nevertheless, I can endorse two living letwhayte warriors among paid students from private classes, John Stasio, and Dr. Bernard Fuh.

I won’t mention disappointing failed apprentices. People who came from far distances learned more dedicatedly than close ones. Some learned quickly. They kept learning via emails and phone calls but ascended quickly. Some proposed to pay me several thousand figures to write the remaining instructions exclusively for them. This was not possible for work, and the time I had to put in far exceeded what they could afford to pay. I told them to spend the money to come to learn in person, but time was the problem for them. I am getting older, but I am still competent. I keep training for maintenance or ascensions. I still stand as a living icon who can show the effectiveness of the letwhayte system. Some world events like COVID, socio-economic/political instabilities, and personal life difficulties contributed to added delays. When I tried to solve the money problem via working at corporate jobs and business activities, I became caught up in challenging situations in those activities. I couldn’t train and ascend in martial arts anymore. In summary, money was the major problem for this product to exist formally.

Why Write this

Martial arts training is a truthful way to overcome many of the weaknesses in life. Fear is a dangerous demon that keeps us from everything. Major weakness among many people is not fear of physical harm, but rather psychological insecure state or mental weakness. Insecurity traces back to the shortcomings of many by-passed weaknesses in life. Problems are not just in financial but in body, mind, and spirits.

Martial arts offers to overcome the fear of physical harm, mental (psychological) weakness, and fear of weaknesses in health. Overcoming the fears and weaknesses makes ascension in spirits tangibly as a result. Training principles and methods exist indirectly tap into spirit to train too. Martial arts training teaches respect, self-reliance, courage, understanding, and honesty.

Martial arts illuminate to enhance truths and train the mind, body, and soul of human beings.
Letwhayte is the way to go in a hand-to-hand stand-up system. Real concise modern-scholarly-standard written documentation is needed for letwhayte. I will document my life-long experiments and experiences (not just letwhayte system) to create perfection towards hand-to-hand system.

The art is disappearing because of gloves, the western influences (in training and equipment usages), and money pressures in match arrangements in competitions. As a result, the warriors who have the skills but no money and connections face increased participation difficulties.

This product will not be letwhayte system exclusive but infused with internal strength usages and formal methodology from undocumented tactics, principles, and techniques. It will simplify and clarify chaos and all the confusion. I have to finish the unfinished business. There are video clips, some written parts, besides the living letwhate warriors I successfully trained so far. I feel substantial obligations to finish it all. I found some serious organizations and individuals from all over the world wanting to learn effective modern way to learn it 17 years ago. This product should unite truthful spirited martial artists. An alternative way to view this project will be producing public-funded letwhayte warriors, real people-made champions. The chosen helper students will be direct products as people-made champions, but there will be many indirect products emerging from beneficiaries.

How in Production

The general direction of the book is already determined, but it will take interactive inputs from the people as it progresses. While being written, people will have live access to the chapters online at In addition, there will be open communications with people via emails, phone calls, and online meeting sessions. As the first step, all previously written instructional documents will be published into the public domain when funding reaches the target.

When does Production Begin?

As soon as the fundraising period is done and the funding target is reached, the production will start. The whole project should conclude within one year.

Where Online will be the main page to access the book from. The website will have all info and resources as well.

What Next After

I believe the finished product will erect the AAW†Knight Foundation and unite truthful spirited martial artists, especially in the USA and worldwide. There will be subsequent projects and goals emerging from AAW†KF.



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