Fight Analysis in Letwhate System (world of martial arts)

in #martial-arts3 years ago (edited)


I stumbled on that fight above. I take my time to make this public fight analysis to preserve/promote letwhayte system. I still have strong will to make final written document of details techniques/principles of letwhayte ways I had been talking about for years. Don’t forget I am the one who brought letwhayte to the western world with authentic first MTB INST VOL 1, then VOL 2, trained numbered of students, and documented real secrets in techniques and principles, 2003--2015. I stopped because of many copy-right violations and abuse of my works, not just with copy-rights also in MMA world and martial arts world, learning from what I taught in book but not giving proper credits to its origin.

Dave Leduc, I respect his letwhayte and say firmly it’s authentic. I told him I disliked his attempt for trash-talking type of promotion like MMA lowlife trashes into letwhayte ring with his last fight with Tun Tun Min, so I cut my ties and stopped following him… If that fight with Tun Tun Min went to “yea kone yea khun (fight until someone loses in letwhate rule)”, Dave would lose. He did well in the beginning, but Tun Tun Min dominated him and had him on the run at the end…

Here is the “Fight Analysis”:

Number 1 Secret of Dave’s success in this fight and all of his fight in letwhayte ring is well used of Elephant Step Principle. I mentioned that many times in my public comments, I wrote that in my book, I trained students in classes, and I used in real fights and duels all my life. Those who don’t know what it is, you can see in this fight. Cyrus has no Elephant Steps at all. He is destined to lose from the beginning or has huge disadvantage because of this.

Letwhayte punches and attack/defense principles evolved from authentic-educated letwhayte straight punch and “front-to-front Fight Focus”, which I wrote in MBT INST VOL 1. Dave’s “Fight Focus” is Authentic Letwhayte way for it uses front-to-front battle to dominate and win. Letwhayte system has many tools/tactics to achieve it. Real educated letwhayte warrior sees no threat in any side hook punches, side stance, and “realized” round-house kicks. There is something called “STOP BLOCK” Principle in Letwhate that takes care of all threats from the sides and looping hook attacks. BTW, you see only hooks and looping-side punches 100% in western boxing punches. Cyrus can’t do much with punches for Dave’s Elephant Steps suppress him. His famous spin kick poses no threat for the same reason. In other words, Cyrus was under the Elephant Steps all the times in this fight.

Use of Pushes- Letwhayte secret is not using wild punches but tactics to attack the balance of the opponent and render helpless/powerless. Cyrus doesn’t realize this game and is being helpless at this battle too. Cyrus is stronger, tougher, and more athletic warrior here, so although Dave has him completely dominated, he has to work really hard to hurt him. I like Dave again here for trying to go for finishing the fight all the times. Many letwhayte warriors in Myanmar get lazy, start cheating, and won’t try too hard to win when the opponent defense is difficult to break. Also Dave is a very intelligent man. Many letwhayte warriors in Myanmar are very simple dumb farmers by their lifestyle.

Cyrus covers up to protect himself well. In letwhayte system, when you face an exceptional Bull Guard masters (like Twait Mashoung or Wan Chine), that upside-down elebow Dave uses to solve the problem is called Bull Guard Killer (I wrote that in both VOL 1 and 2).

Here are Dave’s weaknesses. Dave doesn’t know the breathing secrets to infuse the “internal strength” in his strikes and movements. Dave doesn’t have Pummel. In order to utilize letwhayte technique “pummel”, the warrior has to have much natural energies or master infusing “internal strength” and many perfect achievements of other letwhayte ways. Dave is a very tall man, but naturally he is not that tough. He seems tough and dangerous because of his training in letwhayte ways, and use of letwhayte system. Can a shorter fighter dominate the taller opponent in Elephant Step battles? I show to students easily “yes if you know what you are doing”. Improper use of Elephant Step can give the master opponent a step or lift to execute climb/crush-down attack, leaping attacks, and a leaping double knee. In all his fights, I see Dave seems weak in clinch battles when his head-butt fail. He seems to train himself to hunt for headbutt in pre-clinch situation but doesn’t know what to do anymore when it doesn’t work. In this fight, however, Cyrus is clueless and being torn apart. There are only 3 major clinches in Letwhayte: head clinch, bear clinch, and side clinch. Yet a fight has to understand the tactics and principles to win the dominant position for head clinch (head control) to execute knee. Secret is to off balance and control first instead of desperately attempting to knee. Improper head-clinch that seems superficially a dominant position can turn into bear clinch from the underdog, and get devastating Bear Throw (slamdown on head). Very high-level master can setup another ignorant warrior into devastation Python Throw (attacks and stretches the spine) that will produce an instant KO. Although dubbed “only 3”, of course, the warrior has to learn, understand many tactics and principles and drill many times. Dave seems weak on clinches, but many letwhayte warriors are weak on clinches unless he’s an exceptional one.

About me: I am an exceptional pure made-in-Myanmar letwhayte warrior whose intelligence and intellect are in exceptional levels. I could learn anything extremely quickly, crack the codes/secrets of situations, I can remember anything forever… I can replay the fights with opponents mentally and relearn from them… I have many informal teachers, but real teachers were the people who fought me and beat me up… I will always be a letwhayte warrior in my martial arts spirits, but I am also a mathematician, engineer/scientist, and my martial knowledge and abilities have ascended beyond the letwhate system. In fact, I call my current level “Sage Level” because I can heal others and myself, I fight invisible just wars, I exist to crush lowlife gangsters and lies in the world, and I exist to keep the light of truths in the world. I always taught all my students, in order to last long in martial world, you have to learn to heal yourself. I mastered that since I was a kid without knowing my abilities. Now I can reteach the arts of healing in concise methodology. I used internal force/life force in defense and attack, which many ordinary letwhayte warriors are incapable of, unless they are exposed to Myanmar Thine secrets.

Christopher McGrath

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