**Enriching Your Horizons!**

in #marsinpisces6 years ago

**Mars into Pisces, Venus Direct, Mercury Retrograde! **

"When our inner vision opens, our horizons expand!" - Louise Hay

Mars, ruling our drive and vitality, pairs up with the ethereal and cosmic sign of Pisces starting today! As we embark on a 7 week course of greater spiritual, creative and intuitive exploration, we're urged to tap into feelings, listen to our hearts and connect with the transcendental energy surrounding us! This is a cycle where we are compelled by what affects our souls - bringing change from the inside out! Additionally, Venus - governing love and enjoyment - moves forward in Libra, encouraging harmony and affection. Use this time to honour, cultivate and celebrate your plans and pleasures - focusing on balance and equality in all matters! Lastly, the final Mercury Retrograde of 2018 occurs (at 13 degrees Sagittarius), lasting until 7 December. We benefit now by being more selective with our words, clearer about intentions and discreet in our actions. Utilize this window of opportunity to re-evaluate, review and readdress goals for a more flourishing and fortunate future! :-) Allow these celestial chaperones to assist you in enriching your horizons, making the most of the rest of this year! :-) Feel it, visualize it, find joy in it, become it! :-) Blessings to YOU! :-) You are loved and appreciated! :-) With Warmth, Heart and StarLight, GiGi Astro Sosnoski at Keep Looking Up - Motivational Astrology at website: www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz <3 :-) <3
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