Blueberries found on mars.

in #mars8 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately not the edible kind.

Ever since the rovers arrived on Mars they started encountering spherical nodules that looked like blueberries.

They were enigmatic at first.

First time I saw them, I thought they were tektites. Spherical blobs of glass formed from molted rock falling back to the surface after being ejected and melted in a massive meteorite impact and crater formation.

Examples of some tektites found on earth.

img source

Further analysis proved them to be hematite covered nodules, similar to what are found on earth, they just have a blue color in the false color images that are most often published.

img source


Life at planet Mars - now we have the confirmation! Thanks for this post we all were waiting for @gavvet

This is stunning!
Love your posts.

Nice, it's awesome how we can just see pictures from Mars and discover all these things :-)

Interesting. Thanks.

whether there is life there .. ??

-1 Clickbait. Not blueberries.

Excuse me... they are referred to by scientists as "blueberries", what name would you prefer me to use?

Please, put on your reading glasses, or stop hiding behind a lame excuse...

Here is how I value your post.
You could have copy pasted the wikipedia article and it would have been 10x better yet still worth near zero to me.

How timely is it for people to know about this? If it's completely not then preface our post with TIL (Today I learned) and put the TIL tag or something.

Also you point to no source for your information, did you go to Mars yourself ?

Looking for a new excuse now...

Why not just go back to your retreat troglodyte and quit trolling my posts... with copy pasted comments written for you by the trending troll gang.

TIL is totally irrelevant since I have had tektites in my collection for decades and studied hematite nodules and their formation in pedocretes for the last 20 years.

Thanks but no referencing is required for the info on that basis.

Oops... I forgot to put the explicit page reference for the top picture... shoot me... its Nasa public domain and a direct link, so a simple right click will give you the source.... sorry for you and your little troll patch.

Did it take them long to come up with this lame rebuttal?

If I write bite size articles on technical subjects in an accessible manner what is it to you... is only you and your troll patch tastes to be catered for?

Some people appreciate science in bite size, more palatable chunks.

"trolling my posts... with copy pasted comments written for you by the trending troll gang." WTF ?

Your reasoning seemed irrational, therefore potentially hiding another motive than the one given.... that type of hiding.

It thought it was fun. His very first line, which is viewable in the post preview from your feed, is "Unfortunately, not the edible kind" so he certainly wasn't trying to mislead the reader. A fun title can help fuel engagement.

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