Fine out! True Love vs. Fake Love: 20 Differences You Must Know

in #married6 years ago

signs-of-true-love-in-LDR.jpg. true-love-true-lovers.jpgTo find a true lover who can give you real love, you have to know what true love is. To attract and keep him/her, you have to give a genuine love in return. Knowing how to distinguish pure love from false love will give you wisdom on how to build a long-lasting relationship and avoid the toxic ones . Such insight will also keep you away from futile suffering due to loving the wrong person. Moreover, it will prevent you from hurting people and being guilty for not giving the right love.
So without further ado, here are 20 differences between true love and fake love that you must know.

  1. True love makes sacrifices; fake love is only concern of itself.
    True love is selfless. Though it doesn’t neglect itself, it is ready to make big sacrifices just to make someone truly happy. On the other hand, fake love is selfish, as it only cares for itself.
  2. True love rejoices in the truth; fake love hides in the darkness of lies.
    True love enjoys living an honest life. It cannot be comfortable with lies. It takes away your doubts and insecurities, as it always shows honesty and transparency. On the other hand, fake love takes pleasure in making lies. It is afraid to get near the light. It lives in the darkness and offers no enlightenment.
  3. True love is kind; fake love is cruel.
    True love has a big heart. It’s generous and compassionate. It will give you the love and care more than what you deserve. On the other hand, fake love is heartless. It will give you pain and bad treatment you don’t even deserve.
  4. True love is patient; fake love is short-tempered.
    True love can endure and forgive your faults and shortcomings. It will reasonably give you many chances and wait until you change for the better. On the other hand, fake love is easily angered when you make mistakes. It will quickly judge and punish you without even hearing your explanations.
  5. True love is humble; fake love is proud.
    True love acts with humility. It’s not interested in taking credits for itself. It admits its own mistakes and even takes responsibility for the faults of others. It can let itself down just to lift people up. On the other hand, fake love is boastful. It’s a credit grabber and excessively proud of itself. It doesn’t admit its own mistakes but rather blame them to others.
  6. True love feels fulfilled; fake love feels empty.
    True love feels complete. It feels like it has already nothing to wish for. It always enjoys every moment with you as it considers its dreams as now realities. On the other hand, fake love is not happy with you. It’s greedy and unsatisfied. It always wants to have something more, something different.
  7. True love is grateful; fake love is envious.
    True love values its current possessions. It feels thankful and blessed to have you. It treasures what it receives from you, whether they are big or small. On the other hand, fake love is filled with envy. It belittles your presence. It doesn’t treasure your gifts. It always feels unlucky with you, and it is always jealous of people whom it thinks have more possessions than it has.
  8. True love is joyful; fake love is bitter.
    True love has a cheerful heart. Its mind is filled with positivity. It feels happy to see others happy. On the other hand, fake love has a heart filled with bitterness. Its mind is filled with negativity. It always thinks that the world is unfair. It usually holds a grudge on you and the people around you.
  9. True love is respectful; fake love is rude.
    True love will respect your opinions, decisions, and even your ambitions. It will also honor you as a person. On the other hand, fake love is arrogant. It doesn’t care about what you think and what you feel. It considers you as an inferior person who’s not worthy of any consideration.
  10. True love protects; fake love hurts.
    True love may give you pain, but it always protects you from anything that will make you suffer in the long run. It will defend you from things that will corrupt you. It will shield your relationship against things that will hinder its growth. On the other hand, fake love will give you false satisfaction, which only lasts for a short time. Eventually, it will give you a toxic relationship and destroy you as a person.
  11. True love is righteous; fake love is foolish.
    True love is wise and mature. It is discreet in making decisions and actions. On the other hand, fake love is a fool. It is childish and narrow-minded. Its actions are reckless, inconsiderate, and only based on its self-righteousness.
  12. True love knows and understands you; fake love just doesn’t get it.
    True love knows you as a person. It makes efforts to know everything about you so it can love you even better. It understands you even before you say any word, as it can read your mind and feel your emotions. On the other hand, fake love doesn’t care about your thoughts and feelings, thus, it doesn’t have any idea what’s going on with you.
  13. True love trusts; fake love doubts too much.
    True love has confidence in you. It trusts your decisions and actions. It is positive towards you. On the other hand, fake love doesn’t trust you. Its heart and mind are exceedingly filled with negativities about you.
  14. True love is loyal; fake love is a cheater.
    True love has a strong commitment to you. It will avoid temptations and will never try to cheat on you. On the other hand, fake love is always and will always be a cheater.
  15. True love is faithful; fake love is unbelieving.
    True love depends and believes in you despite of your weaknesses and shortcomings. On the other hand, fake love needs to have 100% assurance that you are dependable before it relies or believes in you.
  16. True love is hopeful; fake love easily gives up.
    True love includes you in its future and sees you as a person it wants to be with for the rest of its life. That is why it never gives up fighting for you and for your relationship. On the other hand, fake love has no permanent plans for you. Thus, it doesn’t treat you as important, and it easily gives up on you.
  17. True love acts with trembling; fake love just doesn’t care.
    True love is not just all talk and promises. It’s not even all about mere actions. True love acts with passion, excitement, and energy. It always wants the best for you. It is afraid to let you down. On the other hand, fake love is nonchalant towards you. It always leaves you with excuses instead of fulfilling its obligations to you.
  18. True love loves itself; fake love hates itself.
    True love loves you, but it never forgets to love itself. It always wants to be healthy in mind, body and soul so that it can give you a healthier and stronger relationship. On the other hand, fake love doesn’t care about its own welfare. It selfishly hurts itself to the point of self-destruction, giving you more pain and problems your relationship doesn’t deserve.
  19. True love grows a relationship; fake love makes it sick and toxic.
    True love always seeks personal development and growth for your relationship. It serves as a role model. It always inspires and motivates you to be a better person. On the other hand, fake love loves fighting and heated arguments. It doesn’t know how to settle things in a calmly manner. It toxifies your relationship and destroys your good life.
  20. True love lasts forever; fake love dies.
    True love stays forever. It’s more than physical and material. It lives on even lovers are already apart or even after they die. The great story of true love and the big sacrifices made by the true lovers continue to inspire people, generation by generation. On the other hand, fake love is only after the flesh. It lives shortly, and its story is easily forgotten.
    I hope that this article has given you ideas on how to identify true love and distinguish it from the fake ones. Feel free to share this article to your friends and loved ones.

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