Does marriage as an institution need to be updated or is it fine how it is?

in #marriage7 years ago

Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognised union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between those spouses, as well as between them and any resulting biological or adopted children and affinity (in-laws and other family through marriage). Source

 Credit: Pixabay

Marriage is a legal union recognized by the society and the family of the parties involved. Traditionally, marriage is a union between man and woman but today, it has been modernized to include the union of same sex (man and man, woman and woman). In any case, it is a union of two people who are joined together in matrimony.

I have previously theorized on the importance of the institution called marriage. I asked the question, 'at what point are two people married' and i got many responses which are very confusing. 

Today, i will be asking us if there is a need to upgrade this institution. One of the reasons i contemplated on this idea is the fact that some ladies i have met are scared of the institution called marriage. They are scared about the commitment to a single entity and all the sacrifices involved in satisfying the man and making sure the home is in good shape. They are also scared of the domineering nature of men. 

Here in Africa, the men in marriage automatically assume the alpha position, seeing themselves as a demi-god and a superior being that women must respect. They are also scared about the fact that they might have to do all the laundry and especially when hands are involved. Many homes don't have washing machines so these women use bare hands to wash cloths. Sometimes these cloths are that of her in-laws.

They are also scared about the boringness involved. They felt they would probably do same thing every day with nothing new to trigger the initial feeling. You know in marriage, many things a man would have done as your spouse would be ignored.

There is also the fear of being battered by these men who could not face the youngest and smallest soldier out there on the street but feel their wives are punching bags. This is the most scariest aspect of marriage and i still believe they are justified to be scared!

Now looking at the situation from a woman angle (which i am not anyways), i think the institution needs an upgrade. There is a need to first understand that it is a mutual agreement between these two people. The man in most cases proposes and the woman accepts. So it is a question of can you date me and will you marry me! In both cases, the lady says yes and that means you both agreed. 

The man and woman ought to be equally responsible. The woman should and must not do all the cooking, cleaning and laundry. A man should not sit down and wash TV while the woman that said yes to help him with his responsibilities is in the kitchen sweating.

There is a need to upgrade this institution to favour both men and women equally. This is my submission.

Thanks for your time. Your boy @smyle the philosopher.


Marriage is really an institution that when someone is into it,there's always a new chapter that's always open everyday to learn from.

I always have the thought that before somebody can agreed to be stick to one person despite the fact that we have billions of people in the world,that person must have think deep and consider the positive aspect and negetive aspects before agreeing together. One of the problems that some are facing in this institution is that, they are not truthful. Most of the promises are just at the tip of tongue.

I always believe that if a woman can sacrifice to forsake billions of men in the world and stick to one man,that man needs to appreciate the woman. The same way,if a man can sacrifice to forsake billions of women in the world and stick to one woman,that woman needs to appreciate the man. Is all about understanding. We are created to compliment each other.

Thanks for this contribution brother!

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