Thought For the Day - Marriage, Credibility, and Cryptocurrency!

in #marriage7 years ago (edited)

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From a Man's Perspective!

Anyone who has ever been in a successful relationship knows there are important personal character elements that help to build that relationship and make it strong. The most important attribute both members should possess is "Trust." Without it, there is NO basis for an honest and lasting relationship. The next most important ingredient would be "Credibility." It goes hand-in-hand with "Trust." Most men lose their credibility within the first few years of their marriage. For example, when a woman tells a man to take out the trash while he is watching his favorite sports team on the television, and he says "Okay," and then he conveniently forgets (ignores), he loses credibility. He can no longer be trusted.

And then there are guys like me (a career Weatherman) who had NO credibility from the onset of marriage, and as a result, have come to learn to never answer any of my wife's questions about the chances of rain. And this is why - When she asks me if it is going to rain, I can construct two answers. I can reply with a "NO" and, in which case if it does rain, I was wrong. Or, I can reply with a "YES," meaning if it doesn't rain, I was also wrong. Can you see where I'm going with this?


So the lesson here is simple - If you are a Weatherman (or think you are) and your spouse asks you if it's going to rain, just keep the 'ol yap closed and hand her a Bitcoin and tell her to just flip the coin. The outcome of the flip will become secondary to what time the local Mall opens, AND you retain your gentlemanly good-standing AND integrity. If you are not a Weatherman, well... any other cryptocurrency will do!

Is there a downside? Yes. Never give a woman any cryptocurrency in a declining market... You will lose credibility points for that too!


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I'm not a Weatherman, but I'm pretty sure all credibility I once may have had is gone...long gone. I think it has something to do with me being a man.

I left that part out... didn't want to scare anyone!

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