The Trap Of Packaging

in #marriage6 years ago

Before you ever propose to a girl, make sure you see what she looks like early in the morning without makeup!
image source dream

You live in a generation that believes in “packaging” whatever that means. Your generation focuses more on the superficial things than the real substance. For you the packaging is more important than the content. So they look good outside and are something else inside. They are colourful outside and empty inside.
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They prefer taking a selfie with a celebrity rather than ask the celebrity a meaningful question that can move them to the next level. Being seen on social media with a celebrity is more important than gaining insights and useful tips from the same person. That's packaging. It is designed to impress the audience and in most cases, i am afraid it leads to deceit.

The dress is therefore more important than the body. The body is more important than the mind and the spirit. It is the spirit that is the content but we all so neglect him/her. It hurts me to see undergraduates who wear the latest designer dresses and perfumes but have not purchased a single textbook in the last two semesters.
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Please do not misunderstand me. Your dress sense is very important and your spouse should look good. But when you meet a lady that puts more emphasis on her personal looks and beauty than her virtues and attitudes then you must check to be sure that her priorities matches yours.

Or it could be birds of the same feathers flock together. You are likely to attract your kind. If you are a packager, you will be attracted to another. If you are a content seeker, you will not have many problems seeing beyond the fake eyelashes, artificial hairs, colourful finger nails and slay queen outfits.

Most times, we perceive things the way we are, not the way the things are, we judge based on our experiences, knowledge and expectations and you will agree that these are very subjective standards. Therefore what is “slay” to one person is rags to another n to another dirt.

The important point to note here is that, you are the person that will live with your wife, you are the one that will wake up each morning to see her “real face”. You will be the one to decide what you want. If you are at peace with a beautiful but empty package then don't be uncomfortable by this post (I am only talking from my own perspective, which is a box I am caged in). Perhaps life wants you to feel that empty package so her purpose becomes your oxygen. That is for you to decide.

I know however that it is easier to repackage a good content, than it is to get a good content. One visit to the boutique can correct the package, but one visit to school and church will never make a quality content. So make your choice wisely.

Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes, or hair arrangement. Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit that is so precious to God. That kind of deep beauty was seen in the saintly women of old, who trusted God and was a blessing to their husbands. *1 Pet 3:3-5 (TLB)


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