in #marriage7 years ago

Marriage is generally referred to as an institution; arguably the oldest institution in the world of men and it was created by God himself. Marriage is a legal, formal and holy union between two people, a man and a woman. A man will leave his father and mother and become one with his wife. God saw that it is not good for man to be alone and he therefore sent Adam a helper, a partner and someone who will be a blessing to him(Eve). This marriage became a very sacred and holy event at that time and so it has been for thousands of years.
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Marriage is meant to take place between two people who are matured in mind, age and spirit and it is an institution where neither party is allowed to behave arbitrarily, nor can anyone decide he/she is tired and wants out or wants to leave. Once it is entered, it is for life and only death can end that union. That is why marriage is meant for those who love each other. The main reason for marriage is love and not just love in the loose sense of the word, not the kind of love that we give to a pet or a hubby, not mere sexual love , but the kind of love that is Godly and unconditional in all ramifications.
This brings us to the importance of marriage vows, which must not be taken lightly. It is the assumption among those present in the wedding ceremony that the couple standing before the priest who are about to exchange vows are doing so because they truly love each otherWeddingvows_Header.jpg. Immediately the vows are uttered before God and before men, It is binding. the couple in question have to take themselves for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health till death does them part. these vows usually sound easy to utter , giving the excitement that usually envelopes the couple during the ceremony , but most people rarely understand the full importance of the statements made in those vows.
In most cases , when things are better or when the goings are good, all is usually well with the marriage , but when things gets worse, when the storms of life set in, either party will begin to act without taking consideration of the vows they pledged on that sweet wedding day. we should know that there is no marriage in this whole world that is 100% complete, each and every couple you see today have been through one challenges or the other but because they decided to stick together and not to let their challenges destroy their marriage rather they both fought hard to destroy the challenges and let their marriage move on.
Contemporary couples of today now trend towards staying together when all is rosy, when everything falls apart or when things go sour they run away. In most pathetic situations, when one member becomes sick or bedridden, the other abandons him/her in search of greener pastures. So it is therefore important for couples to stay together regardless of what happens, like it or not, destiny has a part to play. A man who would be the husband of the woman has been joined together or put together by God without the knowledge of anyone. The manifestation or realization of the marriage between two people, is just what God has perfected before they were even born.
Likewise, whatever happens to the marriage, whether successful or unsuccessful it is still part of the destiny and no one can change it except God especially if is to the benefit of a couple and to the glory of God. So this is why it is very important that when we get married and anything happens to the marriage we should be patient with the marriage and with God. If your wife is a nagging and quarrelsome type, or if she has all the negative tendencies in the world, do or lose hope, nor should you lose heart, we must be patient with the situation and take it onto prayers to God for a change of situation (change of destiny) with your wife or husband , do not take rash decision of divorcing the wife or the husband because that may not be the plan of God for you and that may not be your destiny. Our God who puts everything together has an answer for everything so don’t lose hope and don’t lose heart. If your wife, or you husband is sick and has been sick for so long, or your wife is barren or your husband has one kind of deformity or things are working in negative ways for both of you for which you have no answer, in other words do not lose hope or lose heart because our God who put our destiny together has an answer. Do not think or divorce as it will be against Gods wish, unless it is Gods will and has been inducted in your destiny. Once any marriage has been joined in wedlock by the grace of a pastor or Imam, lt it remain forever as it is said, for better , for worse, until death do us part. Because it is the ordinance of God. Therefore, destiny has the greatest part to play in marriage and we should never ignore this in our marriage. Once we are married , we must lets Gods will be fulfilled all the days of the marriage because he alone has the final say. so therefore we have to be prayerful prayer.jpg and by doing so we will see the hand of God in our everyday marital life. i hope this piece of write up will be beneficial to my fellow steemians, Thanks.

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