Why Would Married Couple Chose Not To Bear Children Throughout Life?

in #marriage5 years ago

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The purpose of marriage isn't solely for procreation. This is the mistake some people make by thinking marriage is meant solely for procreation. There are lots of kids out there who weren't given birth to in a home. 

I believe marriage is far more important than for procreating. Marriage was designed for companionship, the woman was created to be a help meet to the man, while the man was made to be her shield and support. HAving kids is just an icing on the cake and not necessarily compulsory.

Married couples can decide not to have kids throughout their lives and it is not a bad thing or sin. It is their choice. They can decide to adopt kids and not have biological children. 

Some of the reasons couples may choose not to have kids are:

Burden: Some parents see parenting as a burden and may not want to add to the burden of already trying to make a living for themselves. 

Stress: The stress of having to carry a baby in the womb for nine months scares some people out. I know a lady who says she would rather adopt a kid than having to carry a child in her womb for that long. She knows what she wants and she only dates guys who resonates or likes her preferences.

This may be odd and selfish but I know a couple who says they will adopt instead of procreate because they both do not want the woman's vagina to be enlarged by a baby. lol

There may be so many different reasons couples decide not to procreate but first, you must understand that marriage was not meant for procreation.


Thanks ! Reading Through Responses To My Question, I Was Like Ahhhhh!!! What a Freedom World We Want To Have. But Do We Really Consider The Probable Consequence Of Our Freedom Desires??

What If Our Parents Chose Not To Procreate. Where Will "US" be today?.? What Would Be The Lot Of The World if Everybody Elect Never To Procreate ??? I Can't But Be Amazed About The Outcome!!

Hmmmmmmm... ... Like you said, it's quite selfish... Have they also thought what if our own parents decided not to procreate, would we be here today?

I don't know for you but for me, my religion is even against deliberate decision not to procreate...more importantly our culture (I'm a Yoruba boy), frowns against it.

In the olden days, the amount of children you had used to be used to measure your wealth and manpower.

Stress, Burden and those excuses there... Lol... Such people, don't they experience those things at their work places or even at home without children...?

I can go on and on but... Well, individual differences come to play most times but whenever couples start thinking of such things, they should imagine what if everyone had same thought... Would man still be in existence?

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