Do We Need Divorce In Our Country? (Philippines)

in #marriage6 years ago

From my point of view

MARRIAGE is a sacred vow made by two people who promised to love each other in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer. But how long can you really keep that promise? How long can you stay committed to your partner when the harsh reality sets in? Can a marriage withstand temptations, violence and infidelity? How long should you keep on fighting for your marital vows? These questions are definitely hard to answer especially if you haven't been married. It's hard to put your fit on the shoes of married couples because you might think that you understand them, maybe yes, but not entirely. It would be hard to fully understand them if we haven't experienced their struggles first hand.

Personally, I believe that marriage is something that should be protected and fought hard for no matter what. You promised in front of God to love and cherish each other. It would also be hard for the children to see their parents separate and would most likely have a big effect on them as they grow up. That is why it is important that married couples should have an open communication with each other. They should discuss every issue with an open mind and maturity. And it is also important to avoid committing a mistake just because your partner committed one. A single mistake can never be fixed by another mistake. It will only complicate things further.

Getting an annulment is a bloody process here in the Philippines. It requires a lot of time and money. It's a very long process and will truly exhaust you. That's why the legalization of divorce has been talked about. Divorce has been strongly opposed by church leaders who believe that marriage is a sacred vow. We live in a very religious country that's why legalizing divorce here is a hard process. If you'd ask me, I don't think there's something wrong with divorce. But there has to be a right reason. Both parties should be able to prove that they can no longer work their marriage out. They can't just file for a divorce just because they don't want to be with each other. Marriage is a serious thing and getting a divorce is a more serious matter.

I've seen wives who were physically and emotionally abused by their husbands. I've seen mothers who chose to turn blind on their husband's infidelity in order to keep their family intact. We cannot tolerate these kinds of abuse. No one deserves to suffer a toxic marriage. Each one of us deserves to be happy. And if a marriage only ruins a married couple instead of making them better people, then I guess it's about time for them to go on their separate ways. Divorce isn't designed for cowards and weak people who cannot endure the trials of marital life. Rather it is an EXIT door that they can choose to open when things gets out of hand and irreparable.

Divorce is a serious issue that is being argued across the country. There are a lot of arguments regarding this matter, both sides have their respective points of view.

What about you?

What is your stand regarding this issue?

Let me know your thougts on the comment's section below.

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Healthy people continue to grow. If they are fortunate, they can grow in similar directions, but it does not always work that way. You mentioned some other situations where there's a bad marriage that probably needs to be ended. When you get married, divorce is not the outcome you want, but it should be available when it's absolutely needed for everyone's sake.

Thanks for dropping by @donkeypong. I truly agree on you. I maybe very bias thinking to preserve Philippines as a Christian country but the moment the couple say their vow, it's a lifetime commitment of submitting yourself to your partner and vice versa.

Yes, both sides have their respective points of view which are both reasonable. But in my case, I am not in favor to legalize divorce. This might be abused by someone. And I do believe that marriage is a sacred vow.

Yes. On some important note, I believe during the time of relationship it's also about checking and verifying if the relationship is for a lifetime. Marriage is a sacred vow therefore it should not be rushed.

Yes I agree with you @jassennessaj. Marriage is not an easy thing. Before entering such commitment, we should be physically, emotionally and financially ready. And must willing to submit themselves to there partner. And of course never ever forget GOD'S guidance.

I totally understand your point of view. But sometimes (I've seen some cases) people change after marriage. I don't know why, but they do. And those situations can turn into hell. No one deserves to be married with someone who have changed. What would you do in this case?

This happened for a lot of reason @gabrieloob. Marriage is a sacred thing and should not be rushed. Before jumping into it, carefully examine our partner.

That's why we should have a long-term relationship before get married, trying to see how our partner reacts on different situations is crutial. Nice post.

Absolutely. It's the matter of checking, feeling, verifying and all of the tests we do to make sure that the person is for a lifetime.

This will only result to the increasing number of broken families. Which in return, could affect the emotional and familial stability of the offsprings. But it will still depend upon the situation especially if the other partner already experiences physical and emotional abuse.

Agree on your thoughts @smaeunabs. Thank you for sharing it. On another important note, Philippines is the only Christian Country in Southeast Asia now and one of the few Christian Countries in Asia.

It is actually a battle of our being a true blooded Catholic and our binded with the bible that puts all the question mark all over the country.

It is actually hard to despise the word of the bible and betray our faith but at times when reality is presenting facts otherwise that's when I think the will that our creator had given us be applied logically.

Am I a go for it? By my religion no, but my being a human being who is not perfect I am 50% a little convince it is okay to have divorce. People may think that it would be abused, it is not actually the problem but the question of how strong your religions foundation on your life.

This is my opinion though. Thank you.

Thank you @mcamayra. You have presented a clear thought and I totally understand.

I stand with where I am at peace with God. Does God wants married couples to be divorced? Certainly not. Be careful with receiving ungodly advice. Don't give up on doing what is right, in due time, you'll reap what you sow and if you sow love, you'll reap love.

great post @jassennessaj, sorry I'm so late to it! you are so correct that God hates divorce but when it is very difficult to get one or it is impossible to get one then too many women can be trapped in a nightmare from which there is no escape from abusive men, so in certain cases divorce needs to be available for the safety of women and children. I understand the spiritual aspect but keeping women and children in an abusive marriage may be religion but certainly not God's will. Counseling first, then if the marriage cannot be restored and there is abuse then divorce is needed. I hope Godly wisdom prevails if the government is moving on this issue.

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