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RE: "All This Has Happened Before.." - FAQ on Why the Cryptocurrency Markets are Down

in #markets7 years ago

Great points. I think we would have been due for this pullback even without the scaling issue entirely. As you noted, we've simply gone too far, too fast. With the scaling issue as well, I wouldn't be surprised to see $1000, but I think $1200 might be a more likely bottom. Anything could happen really, calling price points still requires an awful lot of luck.

"I have heard a number of business suggest this although I have yet to see any specific details."

There was a post yesterday about one Bitcoin ATM company, I think in the UK (Shire maybe? I forget) announcing they will shut down operations prior to Aug 1st and "wait and see".

Didn't even notice the Battlestar reference until the last section, oops.


Yes I think we might see a bottom around $1200 or $1000 according to other who know about the TA side of things. Hadn't heard about the ATM company but it does make sense for them.

Still, 50/50 guess so......50% now and hold 50% for your guess. If you're wrong you just be buying in a little late with the other half.

Why not break it down into 10% increments or less and buy over time.

dollar cost averaging is an excellent strategy imo

great strat, thank you

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