Your mind could blow up imagining this setup.

in #marketreport7 years ago (edited)

Looking at the previous two major bull markets, 1932-1966 and 1974-2000. Each market put in a final high from the 32 & 74 low at 108 and 107 months. Off the march 2009 lows 107-108 months, hints at a short term top February or March 2018. The 115 to 117 month low hints towards the end of 2018, the markets could make a major bottom. From that point a massive bull market rally could start.

1932-2017 alt


Still just a "theory" right now, same with my "theories." I'm not a funnymental guy atall but intrustingly enough I can't honestly recall whehter the 2007-2008 highs were absolute tops or not. I do know the low for the VIX back then was about 2 points lower than this far anyhoo. I say VIX 9.30...ish holds. You'll have to blow right through it. Go ahead and try. :-) From a funnymental standpoint I do recall things started falling apart in teh "real" world before the market began to notice. Things are definitely falling apart. I'LL, N.J....CONN are just the beginning. Those public workers end up with less than .30 on teh dollar...for their whole life's work. I'm not sure what was decided in Detroit...but that's teh "template." My favrit gal, teh quenn of the sexy VIXens

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