Gregory Mannarino threatens to shut down small channels!

in #marketreport7 years ago (edited)

If there is no one to speak with me, there will be no one left to speak with you, when the self appointed thought police comes after you.

In case anyone did not know. The greatest YouTube trader who ever lived, is now staring in his greatest role to date. Lord of the flies at steemit. Yes Gregory Mannario is now threatening to shut down other steemt members, who have a different vantage point than he does.

What I realize about Gregory Mannarino, if you post a comment with a different vantage point than his, Greg calls it "trolling". I thought this is social media where everyone would meet, and have open discussions. Well apparently it´s not going to be this way, with Gregory Mannarino censoring small channels, who have a different vantage point.

I case anyone here does not know. I have been commenting on Greg´s videos since 2013. My only contention with him, was his never ending market top calls, and silver was going to go to the moon. Anyone who took his actionable investment advice 2013-to date, would be seriously underwater, if not totally wiped out. I asked Greg about this, he called me a troll, blocked me, refused to answer my question. I also have asked him numerous times, to show me proof, he is killing the markets. Again, Greg has refused to answer my question. My reasoning, if Greg is telling me to buy or sell a certain asset class, why would I blindly follow him, with no proof Greg can trade his own calls for a profit. Receiving financial advice blindly, is like having open heart surgery, from your high school dropout neighbor, who promises you he can do it with not problems.

Recently, I commented on one of Greg´s steemit posts. He left a threat on my channel, of shutting me down, because he can. Greg talks about freedom of speech, but he does not practice what he preaches. Because, if he did, he would let my comments stand, even if they are contrary to his views. That is what social media is all about, meeting new people, who do not have a confirmation bias. Having open discussions with other steemit members, without threat of being shut down for your views. However, Gregory Mannarino does not want anyone to have an opposing vantage point other than his.

Greg, you said you want a truce, but we never had an internet feud. I have nothing against you. I believe you are a nice man, who means good. We probably have more in common than you realize. I just have a different vantage point, and will comment like I see it. If you can not handle it, you have thin skin. If you are going to make bold statements in an open forum, expect others to not agree with you.

See link to the comment I am talking about with my reply.

I am asking for all who read this post to share it, comment, and upvote! I will probably get flagged by Greg for posting this. That´s why I am asking for your help. If there is no one to speak with me, there will be no one left to speak with you when the thought police come after you.
Thank you for taking time to read my post, and sharing it with all your friends.
Sincerely, Trader Glen


I'm a fan of Greg, but I gave you a protecting vote. Flag wars are not good.

I am not in a war or started a war. All I have ever done was ask Greg uncomfortable questions, nothing more. Usually when a financial expert will not answer my questions it makes me wonder if they are actually doing what they say they are doing. Anyone following Gregs actionable investment in August 2013, you would have missed a 49% gain on the S&P500 and still be down 33% on silver where at one time you would have been down 45%. Greg told his subs in 2013 to get 100% out of stocks and 100% into silver. Any sub of his who acted on Gregs actionable investment advice would be seriously down. For a young person , they could just sit on their silver. But for an elderly person, it´s game over, they can not wait. I asked Greg this and was labeled a troll.

I agree I do not like flagging. however, Greg started flagging mine and joe´s videos first.

@neoxian I have been asking traderglen and joejustjoe to stop trolling, and writing fake/misleading articles about me as nicely as I can. I offered friendship to these guys, I offered to help them build their channels but they do not want to hear it. I just wrote this to @traderglen "Glen I offered you friendship, and everything else you wanted. I simply asked you and @joejustjoe to stop writing articles with misleading info. on me and stop trolling. If you were a man you would admit that you have been trolling all my social networks. I have nothing against you honestly. Let's stop this. I am asking you as nicely as I can. Ok?" @neoxian watch how he responds.

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