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RE: [HOW TO] Public Relations Training For Startups, Steemers & Steemit: PART 2

in #marketing8 years ago

Hey Michael,

EXCELLENT article.

One piece of feedback that stuck out the entire time I was reading through: I think this you could greatly increase receptivity to this by adding one simple paragraph at the beginning summarizing that it is about how to contact a person of influence...

It seems to start off with the assumption that the reader should know that already - and perhaps that is what Part 1 was about. However, if someone is jumping into this without having read part 1, there's a slight disconnect as you dive straight into "how to choose THE RIGHT influencer," without first clarifying that the intention of WHAT the purpose of contacting the influencer is and WHY they would be contacting an influencer in a first place.

It may be a little thing, but such care to a critical detail may go a LONG way in mentally-preparing your reader for what follows. Without such a brief intro, it feels like we've missed out on half the conversation - and the reality is most people won't click back to reread the whole part 1 first, instead clicking away because they don't feel up-to-speed on the discussion.

And even for those who have read part 1 earlier, such a short summarization of what was covered - the precursor to what follows - would serve as an excellent refresher to get readers' back on track and clear on where you/they are picking up with this one.

Otherwise, the writing is GREAT! Just that one little detail could surely snatch people attention and get them focused for what follows.

Keep up the good work... :-)


Thanks for the feedback @rok-sivante - much appreciated.

It was as you said, I cut up a huge piece to 3 parts, I will spend some time adding in the summary.

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