5 marketing tips

in #marketing8 years ago

1._Construct a brand and identify audiences

A brand should not like absolutely everyone, just simply direct it to a majority of people to succeed, In this sense you must create a slogan and the message of your campaign; What you want people to see from your company or your brand to highlight positive values.


Paraphrasing the writer Oscar Wilde, "the only thing worse that they talk about us, is that they do not talk about us, understands that even bad publicity is advertising, and therefore good publicity because it allows to propagate the message more quickly. One of the reasons why the brand becomes famous is because of the multiple controversies that occur in a campaign, this allows the public to have a more general knowledge of your product, a sector of the population speak badly about your brand Means that most of the population will think the same, but if they know your brand

3._Create a simple and coherent narrative:

The masses' ability to assimilate large amounts of information is limited and their compression is extremely poor. So too, they present a great capacity for oblivion. That is why, in order that the masses can assimilate the material that is offered, it is necessary to present very few points in a concentrated way 

 One aspect of particular interest is the fact that the message must be clear, precise and repetitive so that it remains in the memory of the people

4._Create value attributes to excel among the competition.

In a competitive market you have to do different from others, taking into account that the market sector has led, create a slogan highlighting all the good points of your product and that conveys the message of why what they sell is better The rest


One of the biggest successes of a brand is to transmit its message on social networks thanks to messages that are quickly replicated in networks and finally in traditional media such as newspapers and television networks.

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